Homeopathic Medicine for Indigestion/Dyspepsia



NUX VOMICA 12, 30, 200

  1. V. is very useful remedy in indigestion. It cures indigestion caused by mental overwork, sedentary occupations and high living.

The most important symptom of N. V. is aggravation of all abdominal disturbances after half an hour or so after eating.

Distention of stomach after even a light meal. He is obliged to loosen his clothing.

Sensation of a weight in the stomach alter a meal.

Nausea with or without vomiting. Putrid or bitter taste in mouth, but food and drink taste right.

Flatulent colic in the upper part of abdomen in the evening. Flatulence rises and presses under short ribs.

Frequent ineffectual desire for stool or passes small quantities with each attempt.

Sour or bitter eructation, hiccough and water brash. These may be associated with nausea and vomiting of food and sour matter.

Frontal dull headache usually left side.

Dry and white tongue and yellowish towards the root.

All these symptoms are aggravated in the morning.

It is well to remember that N. V. is indicated in the beginning of these affections and is followed, well by Sulphur when N. V. only partially relieves, Sulphur comes in, to complete the cure.


It is a prominent remedy for indigestion. Indigestion from fatty rich food, pastries, ice-cream, meat.

A bad taste is a special indication for Pulsatilla. Bad taste in the mouth in the morning.

Dryness of the mouth, yet there is no much thirst-thirstlessness is characteristics. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.

About one or more often, two hours after eating, there is a feeling of fullness and weight (as from a stone) in the stomach.

The characteristic of the flatulence of Puls. is that it moves about and often causes painful sensation about the chest and which is relieved by eructation or the passage of flatus.

The flatulent colic compels the patient to bend forward which relieves the colic.

Great nausea with nearly all complaints, sometimes vomiting.

The vomited matter contain food or mucus and also bile. The food vomited may have been eaten a long time before.

Usually, there is diarrhea with slimy or watery stools.

Painful sensation about the chest, and which are relieved by eructation or the passage of flatus.

Frequent belching, taste of what was previously eaten.

CARBO VEG. 6, 30

It is useful in patients of slow digestion. They cannot digest even the very simplest food.

Indigestion due to over-eating, spoiled meat, fish, alcohol etc.

Simplest food disagrees. Food eaten turns into gas.

Sour, rancid, belching of food, especially fat.

Abdomen greatly distended with flatus. Patient feels that his stomach would burst. Milk increases his flatulence.

Flatulence better by belching and passing flatus.

There is violent burning in the stomach, abdomen and chest.

Crampy pains in stomach, better by bending forward.

CHINA 6, 30

China works wonderfully in indigestion. It is very useful in indigestion, occurring especially after loss of vital fluids. It is often the remedy when the disease is the result of drinking tea to excess or beer, fruits etc.

Digestion is very weak. Due to weak digestion the food is not digested and turned into gas.

Great flatulence. The stomach is distended with flatus, belching gives no relief.

Weight in the stomach after eating small quantity of food. Milk disagrees.

Bitter or sour eructation after milk.

Appetite entirely lost.

Fermentation in abdomen from eating fruits.

Sour or bitter eructation.

Flatus is offensive.

Sensation as if the food had lodged in the esophagus behind the sternum.

In cases where the food does not digest, but lies a long time in the stomach, causing eructation and finally is vomited undigested.

When China is well indicated there will be a yellow diarrhea, which is worse at night and after meals.


A prominent remedy in flatulent dyspepsia.

A grand characteristic of Lyco. is patient being very hungry, but few mouthfuls fill up to the throat and quickly followed by hunger again.

Distress in stomach immediately after a meal (Nux Vom. — after half-hour).

After eating cannot bear the pressure of clothing about the waist (Lach. -all the time).

Irresistible drowsiness after eating. Everything turns into gas with no relief by belching, only gets slight relief by passing flatus.

Abdomen enormously distended, especially lower abdomen.

Much flatulence, gurgling and rumbling, especially in region of transverse colon and this presses upwards, and causes difficulty of breathing (C. V.)

Bitter taste in mouth.

Cannot eat oysters.

The bowels are usually constipated with ineffectual urging to stool (Nux Vom.). After stool there is a feeling as if a great quantity remained unpassed.

Gastric troubles better by eructation.

Dyspepsia due to farinaceous and fermentable food, cabbage, beans, onions.


Indigestion with heartburn.

Burning heat in stomach and abdomen, relief from hot drinks.

Nausea, retching, vomiting after eating or drinking.

Nausea at the smell or thought of food particularly if rich of fat.

Gastralgia from slightest food or drink.

Pain in abdomen immediately after taking food.

Weight in stomach as of a stone, after eating.

Tongue clean, dry and red.

Indigestion from immoderate use of ice, vinegar, fermented liquor, from abuse of tobacco, from ice-cream or ice-water in hot weather.


The stomach seems to swell up immediately after eating.

Belching accompanies most gastric complaints, loud, explosive belching.

Flatulence, stomach seems as if it would burst with wind.

Loud rumbling in bowels.

Nausea after each meal, especially after dinner.

Violent pain in stomach, griping and burning, after ice-cream or food.

Gastric pain. Pain radiates from stomach in all direction better hard pressure, worse from eating.

Pains often increase gradually and decrease gradually.

Flatulent pains, often sharp, followed by evacuation of gas.


Very weak digestion, caused by slightest error in diet.

Sour eructation, water brash.

Violent retching in the morning without actual vomiting.

Violent pressure in stomach after eating.

Weak, hungry feeling about 11 a.m.

Distention of abdomen after eating. Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, which when passed is foetid.

Griping colic just after a meal.

Usually there is constipation with stool difficult to expel, although not hard.


Dyspeptic ailments during summer heat.

White coating of tongue in gastric derangement.

Bitter taste. Bitter eructation after eating, also sourish.

Dryness of mouth with thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals.

Pressure in stomach after eating, as if a stone.

Hiccough after eating.

Nausea and vomiting from slightest motion. Vomiting of bile, what has been eaten.

Constipation with hard, dry stools passed with difficulty.

Stomach extremely sensitive to touch and pressure.

KALI CARB. 6, 30

  1. C. is useful in dyspepsia of aged or weak, anemic and easily exhausted patients.

Gastric disorders from ice-water.

Burning acidity. Sour eructation, especially in the morning. Sour vomiting. Constant feeling as if stomach were full of water.

Flatulence, after eating, better by belching.

Fullness of stomach even after little drink or food.

Milk and warm food disagree.

Gastric pains go to back, chest, limbs etc.

Nausea after eating.

Heavy pressure in the stomach after eating.

Before eating there is faint feeling.

Stomach feels as if it would burst.

Everything eaten seems to turn into gas.

Colic, cutting, tearing pains, must bend double.

Feels sleepy while eating.

Anxiety felt in stomach, if a door slams. K. C. patient feels it right over epigastrium. It is most peculiar and striking symptom of K. C.


It is useful in mild form of dyspepsia.

Patient is unable to digest starchy food.

While eating or after eating sensation as if digestion were impeded and the food rested in the stomach like a heavy weight.

Cannot digest meat.

Nausea, constant vomiting of glairy mucus.

Burning in pit of stomach, extends to throat.

Heartburn in the evening after tea, after dinner.


Alumina patient is always worse from eating potatoes. Diarrhea from eating potatoes.

Heartburn, sensation of constriction in stomach.

Constriction and twisting in the stomach extending up the esophagus to the throat.

Chronic eructation for years, worse evening.

Aversion to meat and craving for indigestible things.

Pain in abdomen, lasting for about three hours after meals.


Any kind of food, no matter, how wholesome provokes indigestion.

Sour taste in the mouth.

Frequent belching without taste or smell.

Burning in the stomach.

Empty feeling in stomach during forenoon, relieved by eating but food causes feeling of fullness.

Cannot bear any pressure upon epigastrium.

Distention of stomach, compelling one to loosen the clothing.

Heaviness and pressure in stomach after a slight meal.

Constant acid rising sensation into esophagus.

Great desire for sour, pungent things.


It is useful in indigestion caused by pastries, pork, candy, ice-cream fruits, fatty food etc.

Constant nausea and vomiting.

Vomiting of bile, food.

Nausea not relieved by vomiting.

The tongue is clean or slightly coated.


Dyspepsia always relieved by eating.

Heartburn towards evening.

Sour eructation, tasting like bad eggs.

Nausea and accumulation of water in mouth in the morning.

Gastralgia when stomach is empty, better by constant eating (Anac. Sep.).

Ravenous hunger. Must rise at night and eat.

In case of diarrhea, the stool is watery, yellowish, gushing out with itching of anus.

With diarrhea there is a sensation of empty feeling in stomach, which is worse only in day time.


Extreme debility of digestive power.

Vomiting of food, greenish water, followed by renewed hunger and thirst and great weakness.

Empty feeling in stomach even after eating.


It is useful in dyspepsia when ACIDITY is the prominent symptom of the patient.

There is excessive secretion of acid in the stomach, as a result of which food soon turns sour.

Sour eructation.

Profuse vomiting of an intensely sour fluid, so sour that it sets the teeth on edge or dulls them.

Great distention of stomach.

Burning in stomach and between scapulae.

Heartburn, and acidity, worse on lying down, especially at night.

Flatulent colic in abdomen.

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