Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Laryngitis


Acute Laryngitis

This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Causes—Exposure to cold and wet, smoking, forcible use of voice for sometime or repeatedly, living in damp, foul-smelling quarters, etc.

Symptoms—Burning or itching sensation in throat, thick, stringy, mucous discharge, barking cough, hoarse voice, fever, thirst, loss of appetite, etc.


Aconite 3x—Dry cough on exposure to cold draught, fever, anxiety, restlessness, pain in throat, sense of suffocation. Belladonna 3 —High temperature with burning hot skin, barking cough, somnolence, twitching, flushed face, dilated or contracted pupils, pain in throat, delirium, sweating on covered parts. According to indications, use Aconite or Belladonna every half an hour for 6 hours. If no result follows try—Spongia 3x. Dry barking cough; hoarse voice; sensation of foreign body in throat, difficutly in breathing, aggravation of symptoms before midnight.

Kali Bi. 3x-6 (trit.)Viscid, yellow, stringy mucus.

Hepar Sulphur 6—Mucus loose but hoarsenses of voice continues; aggravation of symptoms on exposure to cold wind and amelioration on getting warmth.

Phosphorus 3—Hoarse voice,

Causticum 3—Hoarse voice, pain in chest.

The patient should keep to bed in a warm room and if necessary apply warm compress to throat.

Talking, smoking, wine-drinking are forbidden. Only warm soups should be taken.

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