Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Catarrh


Chronic Catarrh

Causes: Repeated acute catarrhal attacks; frequent inhalation of dust or irritating vapours; syphilis.


  • Hypertrophicin which the nasal mucous membrane becomes enlarged and blocks the nose and discharges thick, stringy mucus; constant hawking to clear the throat, headaches; deficient hearing; and neuralgic pain— are the other accompaniments.
  • Atrophicin which the mucous membranes become wasted and there occurs foetid bloody discharge, scabs, and loss of sensation of smell.


Pulsatilla 6-30—Due to repeated attacks of acute catarrh; discharge is thick, yellow or green and sometimes foetid; loss of sense of taste and smell; aggravation in warm rooms, in the evening amelioration in cold and open places.

Kali Sulph. 3-12—If Pulsatilla fails; or, after its use rattling of throat.

Lycopodium 3 (in atrophic variety)—Nostrils get blocked at night and patient has to breathe through the mouth.

Sticta 1x-3—Blocking of nose; frontal headache; nostrils dry and scabbed; dry cough (increased during inspiration), constant blowing of nose, but in vain (atrophic variety).

Kali Bichrom. 1x-6 (Its action is more powerful than that of Sticta)—Thick, stringy mucous discharge from nostrils; sense of constriction at the root of nose; ulcer or scabbing of nostrils; foetid smell in breathe (whether patient be syphilitic or not).

Kali Iod. Ө-30 (same indications as Kali Bichrom. only, more suitable to syphilitic cases)—Ulceration and foetid, yellow or greenish-black discharge from nostrils; abuse of mercury.

Aur. Met. 6x-200 (In syphilitic cases, with progressive destruction of nose)—Nose ulcerated or scabbed; constant blocking of nose; thick foetid discharge; destruction of nasal bone; patient is melancholic and inclined to commit suicide; abuse of mercury or of Kali Iod.

Try also: —Hepar Sulphur 30 (blocking of nose on exposure to cold draught), Calc. Carb. 30, Sulphur 30, Psorinum 30, Ars. Iod. 6x, Hydrastis. 6, Acid Nitric 30, Phosphorus 6, Sepia 30, Nux 30, Merc. Proto. 3x (trit.), Silicea 30.

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