Homeopathic Remedies for Other Diseases of Vagina


Diseases of Vagina

Tumors: Carbo Animalis 3-30, Carbo Veg. 6-30, Ars. 6, Kreosotum 6.

Escape of air from Vagina (Talkative Vagina): Bromium 3-30.

Encysted Tumors: Baryta Carb. 6, Silicea 30, Sepia 6, Sulphur 30, Calc. Carb. 6.

Bleeding from Vaginal Tumor: Coccus Cacti 3x (trit.) (unbearable pain), Arnica 3 (bleeding due to injury or coitus), Puls. 3 (character of blood changing), Phosph. 6, Lachesis 6, Kreosote 6.

Gangrene: Ars. 6, Bell. 3, Lachesis 6.

Hardening of Mucus Membrane: Bell. 3, Conium 6.

Sinus, Running Sore: Sulphur 30, Calc. Carb. 6, Lyco. 30, Silicea 6, Hepar. 6, Aurum 6, Thuja 30, Sepia 30, Lachesis 6.

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