Homeopathic Remedies for Enteritis


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This is an acute inflammation of the small intestines usually found in children. It comes on with fever and rigor, cramps around the navel, the intestines being tender to pressure; the pain becomes so acute that the patient is afraid to move, lies on his back with legs drawn up. Appetite is lost, bowels are very constipated or watery motions occur, nausea and flatulence are found.


To bring down fever and inflammation Acon. 3x. Fever, inflammation, rigor flushed face, headache, watery evacuation Bell. 6. Agonising pain around navel, much prostration, much thirst, relieved by small sips: Ars. 3x-6. Bloody mucus stool passed with much straining Merc. Cor. 6. Pain in the rectum, frequent urging to stools, much flatulent distention of abdomen; griping pain around navel, pain all over abdomen; nausea: Colocynth. 6. Simple enteritis with variegated motion, aggravation in the morning, yellow colouration of whole body, flatulent distention Podophyllum 6. Give Magnesia Phosph. 2x (trit.) in hot water to relieve pain.

Absolute rest, warm application to abdomen, hot water or barley-gruel (thin) or coconut-water for drink and food.

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