Homeopathic Remedies for Gout


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It is a constitutional disease, often inherited, characterized by rapid appearance and disappearance of its acute manifestations. High living, sedentary life, use of malt liquors, lead-posioning, etc. are the usual causes. Many gouty persons are vigorous and live upto old age; but the majority develop degeneration either of arteries, heart and kidenys or of lungs.

It affects the great toe, the ankle, heel, knee, instep, wrist, or back of the hand too.


Urtica Urens Ө—Dose 5 min. with hot water. It removes uric acid (the cause of gout) and stones.

Colchicum 3. In affections of the heart and digestive system. Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved.

Aurum Mur. 3x—In heart debility.

Sabina 3x—If uterine troubles co-exist.

Pulsatilla 6—If uterine troubles co-exist.

Try also—Aconite, Calc. Carb., Sabina (in acute), Ammon. Phos., Calc. Phos., Causticum, Lyco., Sulphur (in chronic stage), all in 3 —30 potencies.

Diet—Take plenty of vegetables and juicy fruits. Avoid meat, spices, onions, garlic, too much fish, ghee, atta (flour), wines, tea, coffee. Drink plenty of pure water.

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