Homeopathic Remedies for Hematemesis


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This is bringing up of blood from the stomach or liver and is found in those who drink hard or have ulcer or cancer of stomach or whose liver is cirrhosed or during the menstrual period in some women. Sometimes blood may be vomited up, without any apparent lesion being discovered. The blood that is vomited up is coffee-ground in colour and is always mixed with food matter and is frequently associated with pain in abdomen and retching. (The blood brought up from lungs is bright-red, frothy and with coughing).


Aconite 3x—Patient is plethoric; face flushed; pulse full; palpitation; tastelessness; fever, pain in stomach. Millefolium Ө-1x—Bright red blood brought up without effort. Ipecac. 3x-6—Nausea and vomiting; saltish taste in mouth; tongue moist; short frequent coughs. Hamamelis 1— Pulse quick, tremulous; blood brought up is brownish in colour and is brought up easily; rumbling inside abdomen; weakness. Arnica Mont. 3x—Vomiting of coagulated blood, aggravated by eating or drinking; bleeding due to trauma or excessive exertions. Ars. 3x-30—Difficult breathing, face dusky, palpitation, burning sensation of skin, insatiable thirst, small quick pulses. China 3-30—Collapse following Hematemesis.

Try also—Phosphorus 6, Secale 3x-3, Crocus 2x, Bell. 6, Carbo Veg. 30, Nux Vom. 6.

Absolute rest in the recumbent posture is essential. Stop all food by mouth for at least 24 hours. Apply ice to the abdomen.

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