Homeopathic Remedies for Hydrophobia


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This is a disease contracted through the contact of saliva of rabid animals with broken skin-surface. A cat, dog or jackal etc., suffering from this disease is potent for communicating it through its saliva. Hence, bites and scratches by such animals are equally dangerous.

The part bitten or scratched does not manifest anything untoward. But after some time, varying from 15 days to as many years, the disease develops. The premonitory symptoms are, pain and itching at the seat of the bite, shivering, mental depression, insomnia; then follow spasms of the wind-pipe (larynx), rendering drinking impossible. Even a current of air, a bright light, some smells, attempt at drinking induce spasms. The patient dreads water or current of water; even he cannot bear the sight of any glittering object. Convulsions set in, resembling epilepsy or tetanus. Patient becomes frenzied, bites, screams or knocks himself against the wall. The temperature rises and with it the pulse-beat increases. Paralysis soon follows and death occurs from suffocation.


As soon as bitten, tie a cord one inch above the bite— so tightly as to constrict the veins and retard the circulation, but not so tightly as to cut into the skin. Take a mouthful of spirit or brandy and having rinsed your mouth with it, suck the part. Then treat the wound with strong nitric acid or potassium permanganate. Then loosen the tie, administer at once a dose of Hydro-phobinum 30-200 and continue it thrice daily for a week. Thereafter, take for one year Belladonna 3-200, twice daily. If there is much nervous irritability and delirium, Stramonium 1x; or if there be frequent spasms or convulsions. Lachesis 6-30. Use also- Hyoscyamus 1x, Belladonna 1x, Arsenic 6.

[The Ayurveda recommends for an adult the following decoction to be taken on empty stomach early every morning—110 grains of each of Dhatura (white) leaf-juice, molases from cane, cow’s ghee and raw cow’s milk. This is generally followed by intoxication and sleep. It is a good omen if no intoxication remains on patient’s awakening. The quantity that makes an individual patient intoxicated is the proper dose for him. It neutralises the poison and brings him round. The quantity differs according to the susceptibility of an individual patient.]

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