Homeopathy Medicine for Amoebic


Amoebiasis, also knownamoebicAmoebiasis, also known as dysentery, is an infectious disease that affects the large intestine and is brought on by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Although it can affect anyone, young to middle-aged adults are the ones who are most commonly affected.

  • One of those common illnesses, amoebiasis, sometimes spelled amebiasis, is brought on by a parasite that invades the bowel and results in a form of gastroenteritis infection.
  • As Entamoeba histolytica parasites are only found in humans, and amebiasis is an intestinal illness brought on by this parasite, it is necessary to know what we ate and drank in the weeks prior to becoming ill as well as where we traveled before becoming ill in order to determine the cause of the illness.

symptoms :

  • Unspecific diarrhea and loose, unformed, pungent-smelling stools are hallmarks of amoebiasis.

  • dysentery characterized by recurrent passing of small amounts of stools, mucus, and blood traces.

  • repeatedly feeling the need to urinate but passing very little stool as a result.

  • stomach cramps and a lot of flatulence.

  • The most typical symptoms of amoebiasis are diarrhoea (which may contain blood), stomach cramps, and fever. In more severe cases, the liver and other organs may be affected, leading to specific conditions related to organs, such as hepatitis, cysts, abscess, etc.

    E. histolytica: thisis a single-celled protozoan that can enter the body through direct contact with feces or by ingestion of cysts through food or water.

    Cysts enter the body and settle in the gastrointestinal tract, where they release an invasive, active form of the parasite known as atrophoziteThe parasites multiply in the gastrointestinal tract before migrating to the colon or large intestine, where they can tunnel into the tissue.

How the Amoebiasis spread

Amoebiasis is a condition that develops when the parasite Entamoeba histolytica is ingested by mouth; the most typical method of transmission for this condition is from person to person.

  • ingesting tainted raw fruit and vegetables
  • Unprotected oral-anal sexual contact
  • Drinking contaminated water

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy aids in both the acute infection’s treatment and its prevention from developing into a chronic condition.

Aloe Socotrina – when there is Mucus in Stool

excessive mucus in the stool. The urgency to pass stool is noticeable, especially after eating or drinking anything. There is a release of excessive flatus after the evacuation of stool. Occasionally, there is an involuntary passage of stool. A burning sensation in the rectum and anus is also present in the majority of cases.

Merc Sol – when Stool has Blood and Mucus (Dysentery)

Merc Solis a natural treatment for amoebiasis when the person has extreme weakness, a chilly feeling, gastric symptoms, excessive blood and mucus in the stool, cutting or colicky abdominal pain, and dysentery.

Colchicum Autumnale – when White Particles Pass in Stool

stol withAn ineffective pressing in the rectum, abdominal distension, fatigue, and body chills may be present. In some cases, there may be tearing and burning pain at the anus. There are also excessive amounts of white shred-like particles and the stool is green or yellow and smells sour.

Colocynthis – For Intense Abdominal Cramps in Amoebiasis

Colocynthisis an effective homeopathic treatment for amoebiasis when a person experiences severe abdominal cramps, which are made slightly better by bending over twice or applying hard pressure to the abdomen. Taking a small amount of food or drink makes the cramps worse. Other abdominal pains, such as colicky pains, may also occur. The stool is yellowish greenish and frothy with blood streaks.


Ipecacuanhais a natural homeopathic treatment for amoebiasis when the patient experiences persistent nausea along with other gastric symptoms, stool that contains blood and mucus lumps and smells horribly foul, and abdominal pain that is localized to the navel and may be drawing, cutting, or cramping in nature.

Nux Vomica – For Amoebiasis with Marked Tenesmus

when a person experiences a persistent, ineffective urge to pass stool (tenesmus), only a small amount of stool is passed, there may be blood streaks in the stool, the urge for stool is constantly present, and there is a constant feeling of unsatisfaction. A person may also experience abdominal pain that is temporarily relieved by passing stool, as well as pain that is often followed by a sharp pain in the rectum.

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