BHP Calcarea Fluorica 3x Biochemic Tablets 25gm


Biochemical Tablet of Calcarea Fluorica by BHP

A disruption, deficiency, or dissociation in the molecules of this element causes lumpy, more or less hard, growths, horny growths, dry skin with hard crusts with cracked hands, hardened mammary glands, or hardening of other parts. Calcarea Fluorica is a mineral naturally found in the body and is nontoxic in nature. It is found in the surface of the bones, enamel of the teeth, elastic fibers, and the skin.

BHP Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet’s Uses

• To provide short-term relief for minor joint pain and symptoms related to joint cracking.

• Calcarea Fluorica is best suited for hard swellings on the bones, varicose veins, testicular inflammation, and pus formation.

• Backache, internal piles, eczema, gout, uterine problems, psoriasis, and other conditions related to gum disease.

• Calcarea Fluorica use has effectively treated eye complaints and affection.

• Pains afterward, bruising of the bones, coughing, and restless sleep.

• Stomach discomfort brought on by piles.

• Vein enlargement and swelling associated with varicose veins.

a typical symptom in which the veins swell and enlarge.

• It includes goiter and small nodes in the neck region that are swollen and stony hard (mammae, glands, bones, etc.).

• Wider veins, back pain that gets worse after work and goes away after a walk.

• Gouty nodules over the wrist and swollen fingers and joints.

• Taking Calcarea Fluorica helps to alleviate skin conditions like chaps, cracks, and whiteness.

• Aches following dental work, such as drilling, which is done to aid in the gums’ (enamel’s) healing and regeneration

• In kids with issues with delayed dentition, brittle teeth, or brittle nails.

• Calcarea Fluorica soothes the indigestion that follows exhaustion.

• It alleviates joint disorders, bone deformities, and joint cracking. It also helps with chronic back pain (lumbago).

BHP Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet 6X: Important symptoms to watch for

• Pus-producing swelling of the afflicted areas.

• Having sharp edges aids in corneal ulceration.

• When used after operations, calcea fluorica reduces the propensity to adhere.

• Used to treat herpes, conjunctivitis, and chronic middle ear suppuration (pus formation).

• Reduces spasmodic cough by removing fibroid deposits from the endocardium (the area of the heart).

Calcarea Fluorica is effective at treating valvular diseases.

• Cervical glands with induration that are extremely hard.

• Effective in cavities in the teeth.

• When the blood vessels and heart are attacked by toxins.

Females with vulvar varicose veins respond best to calcerea fluorica.

• Mammae-related hard nodules.

Objections to BHP Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet’s source

Inadequate nutrition or bone malnourishment may be the cause of a deficiency in the body’s constituents.


the following

a change in the weather, rain, and rest.

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by heating, rubbing, and applying heat.

BHP Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet 6X Reactions

Because homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medications and have no side effects, it is safe to take the tablets even if you are taking other medications such as allopathic or ayurvedic ones.

BrandBHP (Bangalore Homoeo Pharmacy)
Container TypeHDPE Container
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorTablet
Homeo FormsBiochemic Tablet
Price₹ 85

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