Homeopathy Medicine for Emaciation
Emaciation is a condition where a person is severely malnourished, which causes the body to become extremely lean, almost to the point of skin and bones.
Nearly all of the body’s visible flesh is absent on emaciated individuals, who are extremely thin.
The ‘leaness’ could be caused by malnutrition or by any other disorder, but the emaciated body actually resembles someone who has been severely tortured and denied food for a long time.
Causes of Emaciation
Emaciation is indicative of several dietary deficiency diseases. Hence there are different types of emaciations based on the dietary factors causing it.
1.Kwashiorkor– It occurs in kids who have stopped drinking their mothers’ milk but whose diets are deficient in proteins.
upper body emaciation, but ascites causes the abdomen to swell, oedema is seen, and the child’s hair changes color.
round face, blond hair that is grey.
2.MarasmasMarasmas is characterized by severe emaciation, below-average height and weight, and reduces the circumference of the arms and limbs in children who are deficient in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
3.Beri beriIt is caused by a chronic lack of thiamine, a form of vitamin B1 that is found in polished rice, and it affects people who consume this food. Here, there is mild emaciation but severe weakness.
4.PellagraEmaciation is less severe, but there is extreme weakness that can even result in death. It is caused by a protracted lack of vitamin B3 (niacin).
Nutritional deficiencyPeople who go without food for a longer period of time develop severe emaciation.
Throughout time, this will develop.
Protein energy Malnutrition– In India, pem is a significant issue with regard to nutrition and health.
Homeopathic Medicine For Emaciation :
Calcarea Carb :Skin emaciation, including a protruding abdomen, folds, undeveloped bones, and no teeth
Abrotanum :Emacia spreads gradually upward after starting in the lower extremities.
Calcearea Phos :It works wonders to treat marasmus, which causes wrinkling, dry skin, and skin that withers.
Tuberculinum :Every month, this remedy for emaciation must be given as an intercurrent treatment while being given three days prior to and three days after in 200 dilution.
Natrum Mur :a downward-moving emaciation of the upper body or the neck.
Iodium :When the child is agitated, hostile toward strangers, and ravenously hungry despite being underweight.
Phosphorus :Emaciation after irregular menses.
Hydrastis :Emaciation after measles.
Secale Cor :Particularly when the circulation is poor, skin that is emaciated, withered, unhealthy, purplish, or bluish.
Aurum Mur :Emaciation due to syphilis.
Plumbum :Anaemia (lack of blood), which causes emaciation, among other things
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