Homeopathic Medicine for Dysentery



ALOE 6, 30

Frequent stools of jelly like mucus. Severe cutting and cramping pain in lower portion of abdomen before stools.

Abdomen is distended with flatulence.

Patient dare not pass flatus for fear of escape of stool.

Patient has to run for stool, immediately after eating or drinking.

Abdominal pain is relieved by bending double.

Stool and urine pass at the same time. Cannot pass one without the other.

Arsenic Album 6, 30

Watery stools in the beginning, later discharge of blood and mucus. This stool is very offensive, like decayed flesh.

Great weakness after stool.

Burning in the rectum before and during stool.

Diarrhea soon after eating and drinking.


White or reddish, slimy mucus with stool, looks like scraping of intestines.

Tenesmus (painful but ineffectual straining to relieve the bowel) with painful urination is marked and always with Cantharis.

Colicky like pain compelling the patient to scream out.

There is unquenchable thirst, before stool there is great urging with violent colicky pain in abdomen and during stool there is severe burning and cutting pain in anus and after stool

Colic is alleviated, but tenesmus continues with great shivering.


Dysenteric diarrhea, stools bloody, full of mucus, jelly like.

Slippery bubbles escape from anus.

Frequent urging to stool.

Before stool cramping, cutting pains, which force the patient to bend double or press firmly against the abdomen. Pains are relieved by bending double and ceased after stool.


The stools are bloody and slimy and contain shaggy pieces. They are frequent but small in quantity. Twisting pains about navel before stool.

Cutting and twisting, tenesmus during stool.

Thirst, but drinking causes shuddering and increases the pains. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed.


Mercurius is often indicated in dysentery, especially when it occurs in a season when warm days are followed by cold nights. Stools are slimy and bloody and horribly offensive and are more frequent at night and are attended by severe colicky pains in the abdomen.

Much urging during stool but little evacuation.

Prolonged tenesmus and burning in the anus,

Tenesmus is not relieved even after stool. Never get-done sensation. Pain and tenesmus continue after a stool.

Chilliness before and during stools. Tongue moist, yellow coating. Merc. is rarely indicated where the tongue is dry.

Fetid odor from mouth.

Most of the symptoms are common to both. In dysentery, the more white mucus the more indicated is Merc cor. and the more blood, the Merc. Sol.


  1. V. is a valuable remedy in dysentery and is indicated by the following symptoms. The stools are bloody, slimy, watery and scanty and unsatisfactory frequent ineffectual urging to stool.

Gripping pain, now here, now there, in abdomen.

Tenesmus before the stool, which ceases after stool, although tenesmus may continue from one evacuation to another.

Pains are greatly relieved for a short time after every stool (In Merc. Sol. and Merc. Cor. pain and tenesmus continue after stool).

Patient constantly feels that there are more stools to be passed out.

CARBO VEG. 6, 30

  1. V. is useful in very severe cases, with great weakness. Stools brown, watery, slimy and Moody. Abdomen is greatly distended and tympanitic due to flatulence. Stools and flatus both are horribly offensive.

Burning pain deep in abdomen.

CHINA 6, 30

Useful in dysentery when Ars. and Carbo Veg. fails to cure. Stools watery, pale, pinkish, putrid, cadaverous.

Great debility.

Much offensive flatulence.

Colic before and after every stool,

Body becomes cold.


Dysentery in every autumn, when the days are warm and nights.

Yellow, white, watery stools with mucus and blood. Stools contains scraping of intestines.

Stools copious, frequent, often painless, sometimes with cutting pain about navel region.

Ineffectual pressing, feels faeces in rectum, but cannot expel them.

Agonizing pain remain long after stool.

Shuddering over the back during stool.

Constriction of the anus tormenting the patient more than the urging during stool.

The smell of blood causes nausea to faintness.


Dysentery with constant nausea.

Tongue clean with nausea.

Much griping about navel.

White mucus.

RHUS TOX. 6, 30

It is indicated in dysentery when the stools consist of blood and slime mixed with reddish-yellow mucus.

Extreme restlessness.

Tearing pains running down back of leg with every stool.

Painful tenesmus with every stool.


Chronic cases of dysentery.

Tenesmus all the times.

Stools are slimy, bloody and there is frequent sudden urging to stool.

Dysenteric stools, especially at night with colic and violent tenesmus.

Redness about anus is the characteristic symptom of this remedy.

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