Homeopathic Remedies for Anthrax or Malignant Pustule


Anthrax or Malignant Pustule

This is an acute infection from cattle, caused by bacillus anthracis. It penetrates the abrasions or wounds, where one or more pustules form, two or three days after infection. After one or two days, its center sloughs and the neighbouring glands swell and continue to spread. Severe constitutional symptoms supervene.


Hypericum 200—Internally and locally.

Anthraxinum 30—If blood is poisoned and severe smarting occurs.

Lachesis 30—The pustules are bluish or blackish.

Malandrinum 30—Pustules resemble those of small pox, diarrhoea, black stools.

Try also—Bell. 3, Ars. 3x, Apis 3x, Carbo Veg. 6, Hepar Sulphur 6.

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