Homeopathic Remedies for Chancroid (Soft Chancre)


Chancroid (Soft Chancre)

It is caused by Ducrey’s bacillus and the chancroid appears within a few hours as a pustule which rapidly ulcerates. It is as a rule multiple—often on adjoining surfaces. The ulcer is yellow, irregular, punched out, without sharply- cut edges, the base being soft and inflamed. The discharge is free and purulent, no induration being perceptible. A single bubo appears within three weeks of the appearance of the chancroid and it is very amenable to treatment. Negligence may cause even, gangrene of the male-organ and death.


Merc. Sol. 2x (trit.)—6. If this fails, give Acid Nitric 3-6. If gangrene sets in, use Ars. 3.

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