Homeopathic Remedies for Dysentery


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It is a disease in which ulceration occurs in the large intestine (especially in the sigmoid flexure) as the result of bacterial infection. The germs commonly responsible for dysentery are two: — The amoeba-coli and the bacillus- dysenteriae. Hence, there are two kinds of dysentery-amoebic and bacillary. Exposure to cold, continual fasting, bad sanitation, eating rich food or stale-food or drinking impure water are the predisposing factors.

Symptoms: Frequent defection with pain and griping around the navel, straining, discharge of mucus and blood. There may be nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, rise of temperature. The skin is dry, tongue glazed, emaciation is progressive. Abscess of liver is secondary to amoebic dysentery.


Brief outlines: Simple dysentery -Merc. dulcis 6x- 12x, Tropical dysentery (with mucus, straining and blood). Merc. Cor. 6-30; Cantharis 3x, Ars. 3x; Straining Bell. 6x, Aloe 6x, Nux 30; Severe gripes-Ipecac 3x-6, Colocynith 6, Magnesia Phosph. 1x (trit. in hot water), Cuprum Ars. 6x (trit.); Bloody stools-Arnica 3x, Ipecac 3x, Hamamelis 1x, Hydrastis 3x; Dysentery complicated with malaria Cedron Ө, Chininum Sulph. 1x-3x, (trit); Dysentery with Anemia and chronic dysentery (in females)-Alstonia 0, Chronic cases-Sulphur 30, Acid Nitric 6 or Cod-liver-oil— a few drops after meals.

Aconite 3x-30—Fever; pain in abdomen; bloody mucus; thirst; restlessness.

Carbo Veg. 30—Foul smelling flatus; flatulence; much eructations; dysentery due to taking ice when one is heated; feels cold; urine is very foul-smelling or suppressed; gangrenous odour in stool; pulse is almost imperceptible. This remedy is not ususally used in acute cases.

Hamamelis 3x—Copious evacuation with thick or blackish stools.

Mercurius is almost specific in dysentery, its leading indications being—bloody mucus evacuations, straining at stool, a feeling of more stool coming on, when there is none, all having been passed at that sitting. If on the top of these three common indications, there are three following indications, then use the special forms of Mercurius indicated against each

  1. Merc, Cor. 3x-30—The above three indications well marked; stools are more bloody then mucus; scanty urine passed after burning sensation in urinary bladder; no urine passed; patient is much exhausted.
  2. Vivus 6x (trit.)—The three cardinal symptoms are not well-marked; stools are mucus than bloody. If Merc. Vivus is not handy; give Merc. Sol. 6.
  3. Dulcis 6x (trit.)—If the cardinal symptoms are mild and motions are greenish-slime or liquid blood.

Aconite 6-30—Fever or febrile symptoms well marked. Stools bloody mucus. Cutting pains before and during stools, tenesmus. Great thirst, dry heat, distended abdomen, restlessness and sleeplessness; full, hard, quick pulse; fear, anxiety. If given at the beginning, it often arrests the progress and shortens the period of the disease. It may act well if Merc. Cor. fails to relieve.

Aloe 3x-30—Stools foul-smelling, bloody, mucus, Great urging for stool in the early morning, driving one out of bed (Sulphur), difficulty in retaining stools, great straining during stools, loud gurgling in abdomen. Dirty bloody evacuations; pain in loins; heavy sensation in thighs; cutting pain round navel; dryness of mouth; thirst; flatulence in lower abdomen; faintness, occasionally during evacuations. Useful in chronic dysentery.

Nux Vomica 3-30—Straining before or during stools but relief afterwards; thick mucus with blood; stools small in quantity though more frequently passed; feeling of loaded rectum even after evacuations [in Nux—straining stops awhile after evacuations; while in Mercurius, it does not].

Magnesia Phosph. 1x-6x (trit.) In hot water-Severe pain in abdomen.

Alstonia 0-3x—Dysentery associated with malaria and Anemia.

Belladonna 6x—Flatulence; constant straining but slight evacuations; inflammation in rectum; a feeling of rectum and urinary bladder descending; drowsiness; fever; eyes glistering; face flushed; delirium; straining after stools. (useful in dysentery of children).

Colocynth 3-6-Flatulence; gripes—relieved by pressure or on doubling up; tongue coated white; nausea; bloody mucus in stools.

Calcarea Carb. 6-30—Evacuations are greenish, yellow or whitish; sweating of the head, feet icy-cold; cramps in calves of leg; pain in anus.

Ipecac 6-30—Grass-green frothy mucous stools; stools frequent, offensive and bloody, worse at night. Persistent nausea. Dysentery of teething children. Colic and nausea before and during stools. Stools like fermented trickle.

Causticum 6—Much straining; bloody mucus stools; spasm of rectal sphincter with pain; flatulence.

Pulsatilla 3-30—Stools contain only white mucus; pain in lower abdomen; dysentery due to indigestion of fat; aggravation at night.

Arsenic 6—Burning sensation of skin; thirst; debility; blackish motion, foul-smelling and bloody; intense thirst and frequent drinking of cold water; fear of impending death.

Gambogia 6—Foul smelling; yellow, liquid motions; aggravation after food and drink; relief on pressure over abdomen; griping with urging for motions.

Merc. Cor. 3-30—Frequent urging for stools; stools scanty, offensive and bloody, mixed up with particles of mucus membrane; there is more pure blood than mucus. Constant tenesmus day and night, before, during and after stools. Cutting colicy pains. Burning in rectum and bladder after stools. Urinary troubles marked; urine scanty, hot, bloody; retained or suppressed, passed in drops.

Phosphorus 6—Greenish sticky mucus or bloody stools; painlessness; aggravation on lying on left side or in the morning; intense thirst for cold water; sago-grain-like stools.

Magnesia Phosph. 12x— (trit. in hot water)-Dysentery with intense pain in rectum.

Lycopodium 30—Dysentery with tympanitis.

Baptisia 1x—Delirium and prostration.

Cantharis 3x—In epidemic dysentery; condition of patient is grave; urine passed with much effort (strangury); burning sensation after making water; stools like shredded meat; intense pain in abdomen; flatulence; thirst but unwilling to drink water; body is cold.

Capsicum 3x—Frequent mucus stool mixed with dark blood; flatulence straining; burning sensation at the time of making water.

Colchicum 2x—Dysentery following the rainy season; straining; gripes; cramps in calves; dropsy; listlessness.

Arnica 3x-6—Straining and passage of much scarlet (fresh) blood.

Rhus Tox 3—Unconscious evacuations at night, cutting pain in abdomen; constant urging for stools. It is a valuable remedy in the 30th potency in chronic dysentery with delirium.

Sulphur 6-30—Relief of straining after evacuations; streaks of blood instead of mixture of blood with mucus in stools; when the disease baffles treatment; valuable in chronic dysentey.

Acid Nitric 6—Chronic dysentery with pus in stools or mucus; rotten odour in stools; straining at stools which is followed by weakness; valuable to syphilitics or those who have had too much mercury.

Try also—Apis 3, Hydrastis 1x, Lachesis 6, Plumbum 6, Verat. Alb. 6. Zincum 6.

Dietectic and other directions—Same as under ‘diarrhoea’. Unripe ‘bael’ decoction can be taken but not bael pickles. In the absence of other medicines, in outlying villages, a soup of थानकुनी (Hydrocotyl Asiatica) or a dram of fresh तेलाकुचा(Coccinella Indica) juice may be tried (especially in bloody stools associated with Prolapsus Ani or Prolapsus Recti).

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