Homeopathic Remedies for Hepatitis


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Causes: Chronic Malaria, abuse of quinine or mercury, excessive drinking, residence in tropical climate.

Symptoms: In early stage—Fever with rigor, pain in the liver, headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, clay coloured or whitish stools. At later stages— Pain in the right shoulder, tenderness of liver, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, enlargement of liver, constipation or diarrhoea. In the final stage—the liver, either contracts (cirrhosis) or abscess develops—both of which may prove fatal.


Aconite 1-6—In acute stage of fever with chill and rigor; pain in liver.

Nux Vomica 3x-30—In chronic hepatitis of drunkards or when it is due to use of strong medicines. Constipation, aggravation of pain after eating.

China 6-30—Anemia due to chronic fever; enlarged spleen; enlarged and hard liver; prostration.

Merc. Sol. 6-30—In acute hepatitis; or in enlargement of liver in chronic hepatitis; sense of constipation in the liver-region making it uncomfortable to lie on right side; eyes yellow; appetite failing; hard, whitish motions or yellow liquid ones; bad taste in mouth; difficulty in breathing.

Chelidonium 3x-30—Severe pain in liver; pain in right shoulder or right shoulder-blades, eating temporarily relieves; yellow liquid or whitish hard stools; jaundice; high coloured yellow urine.

Natrum Mur. 30—Stitching, pinching or pressure like pain in liver; abdomen distended, occasional rumbling of abdomen; fever.

Natrum Sulph. 3-30—Pain in liver on touching, movement or deep breathing; pain around navel when stomach is empty—relieved by meals.

Podophyllium 3-30— (Use 3 in acute hepatitis with constipation and in chronic cases). Liver is enlarged.; bilious vomit; bilious liquid evacuations with prolapse of anus; face dusky; headache (especially frontal).

Phosphorus 6-30—Enlarged liver becomes gradually hard and contracted and leads to dropsy.

Berberis 1x-1—Congested liver, with pain in urethra, thighs, groins and loins.

Bryonia 3x, 6,30—Liver enlarged and hard; stitching, burning pain, aggravated by pressure; obstinate constipation, no desire for stools; diziness; pain in right shoulder; slight jaundice. Some use it alternately with Merc. in acute hepatitis.

Lycopodium 12-30—Constipation, abdomen distended with gas; constant pressure, sensation, aggravated by pressure or deep breathing; pain in the abdomen and right side.

Leptandra 3x-30—Tongue yellow; vomiting of bile; copious, brownish or putrid smelling evacuations; tar-like motions, unbearable pain on all sides of liver (spreading on to the spines); jaundice; clay-coloured motions; dysentery; dropsy; fever.

Arsenic 3x-30—Liver enlarged; dropsy; scanty urine; thirst; low vitality.

Sepia 30—Hepatitis (chronic) associated with troubles of urinary bladder and uterus; rheumatism; dropsy; loss of appetite; weakness.

Hepar Sulphur 3x (trit.)Aggravation of pain on deep breathing, moving or coughing the pain radiating to groin; chronic hepatitis; occasional with piles.

Carduus Marianus Ө (1 to 5 m.)—Spleen-diseases associated with hepatitis; occasional kidney troubles or congestion. The patient should eat bland, easily nourishing diets and avoid fatty or rich dishes, avoid meat and drinks and take exercise.

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