Homeopathic Remedies for Hernia


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There is a passage communicating between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum, on both sides of groin. Normally, through this passage the testicle descends into the scrotum and in healthy person, this passage is not open. But in those who are very thin and flabby or, in those muscular individuals who are apt to suddenly strain severely, this passage becomes open. In the former, very gradually; in the latter, suddenly, by the rupture of muscle-fibres. The intestines lying behind this passage are forcedout by the strain that brings about the opening of this passage and the forcedout knuckle of intenstine is called a hernia. If it is of gradual development, the patient feels pain and discomfort in the region and by relaxing the high muscles, can push up the protruded gut back into the abdominal cavity (or reduce it, as it is termed). If it is of sudden onset, the patient falls down in a heap in agonizing pain, begins to feel nauseous and if not soon relieved, may collapse. If this condition is not relieved soon, within 48 hours, the incarcerated knuckle of intestine becomes gangrenous and the patient dies.


Let the patient lie on his back, the thigh of the affected side and the flexed knee resting on a high pillow. By gentle manipulation try to get back (reduce it). Failing this, never use violence, but apply ice over the part, when perhaps the reduction will be effected spontaneously. If no reduction follows, send for the surgeon without delay. After reduction has been effected, the patient should get a well-fitting truss and wear it continually. He should avoid all sorts of straining.

Medicines: Nux Vomica 6x (if it is left-sided) or Lyco. 6-30. Plumbum 6 If due to constipation. Acid Sulphuric 3 If there is much vomiting. Lachesis 30 If gangrene threatens. Belladonna 3: Crampy pain around navel; flatulence. In the case of children; Nux Vomica 3, Calcarea 6 (in stout children), Silicea 6 (in thin children).

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