Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause


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By the time a woman is 45 years of age, the menses tend to stop. Where this is not the case, medical aid is called for. It is a critical time for women; most of the women suffer from some obstinate and painful disease at this time.


Lachesis 6 (The chief medicine): Occasional sensation of heat flushes, sweating, burning sensation in head, aggravation after waking. Sanguinaria 3x or Amyl Nitric 3. In nervous symptoms, where Lachesis fails. In much sweating or salivation Jaborandi 2x. In headache Glonoine 3. In burning sensation at the crown of head: China 6 or Ferrum 6. Empty feeling at pit of stomach Hydrocyanic Acid 6. If the patient is stout, Aconite 3.

Try also—Sulphur 30, Ignatia 3, Cimicifuga 3, Valeriana 3, Sepia 30, Calc. 30. Light nourishing diet, excellent and cheerful surroundings, fresh air, gentle exercise are required.

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