Homeopathic Remedies for Otitis


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It commences as an inflammation of the external ear, as a result usually of cold, and may extend to the middle ear. The ear-canal swells, reddens and throbs and may give rise to sympathetic fever and pus formation. It should be treated early and well.


In the initial stage, when associated with headache and pain in the throat, use Belladonna 3x and apply fomentation by means of hot flannel. If due to catarrh, Puls. 3; but if the pain extends to the middle of ear and is associated with fever, Aconite 3x. In prickling or unbearable pain, Chamomilla 6. In throbbing pain at the root of ears with enlarged glands, Merc. Sol. 6. In chronic cases, Nitric Acid 6, Sulphur 30.

Keep the ears warm and apply dry warmth. Drop into the ear. Mullein-oil, Pulsatilla Ó¨, or hot Mustard Oil.

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