Homeopathic Remedies for Phlebitis


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This is an inflammation of a vein. It is the result of injury to a vein, septic wounds, erysipelas, pus infection, inflammation of adjoining bone or inflammation of organs like lungs, heart, etc., in which the veins, lie embedded.


In acute cases, Hamamelis 0 locally diluted with 8 times of water. If it is the sequel of delivery, apply Hamamelis 0 lotion and give internally Puls. 3. If due to long marches or to injury, give Aconite 3 internally and apply Arnica 0 lotion (in 20 times its volume of water). If due to blood- poisoning, Ars 6, Lachesis 30, Pyrogen 6, internally and apply Lachesis 6 diluted with 4 times of water.

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