Homeopathic Remedies for Scabies


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It is a parasitic skin disease, caused by an insect which burrows into the epidermis, at the end of which burrow the vesicle appears. The eruption is polymorphic (vesicular, papular, pustular, etc.), with intense itching. It usually commences between the fingers.


Wash the eruptions in fresh decoction of neem-leaves (or lavender oil) and take Sulphur 30 occasionally. Fagopyrum 2-3: If there is maddenning itching all over the body. Mezereum 3 or 30 Some portions of the body are so itchy that patient draws blood in his zeal for scratching, Dolichos 3: Patient feels relief by rubbing the affected part against the wall.

Try also—Sepia, Calc. Carb., Ars., Hepar Sulphur, Nux Vom., Merc Cor., Psorinum, Lycopod., Croton Tig., Causticum, Staphysagria—all in 30th potency.

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