Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Calculus or Stone


Urinary Calculus or Stone

[Calculus is stone, Stone may form in gall-bladder, tonsils, veins, kidneys, urinary bladder, etc. These form in various shapes and sizes and colours. We deal here only with urinary stones.]

If a sample of urine is collected and while fresh brick- dust-like sediment falls to the botton, we can suspect stones. At first they are like impalpable powder (sediment), then they look like sands or concretions; they are called gravels when of the size of mustard seed; when larger still, they are called stones.

Renal Calculus: Stone may form in the kidneys and remain lodged there or may pass into the ureter giving rise to renal colic. If the stone remains lodged in the kidney, it gives rise to no symptoms; occasionally however it may give rise to dull pain in the loins and pus and blood may pass with urine. When however a small sharp stone passes down the ureter, it give rise to the condition described before as Renal Colic. This colic like most other colics, comes on suddenly and disappears suddenly. In appendicitis there is fever but renal-colic is never associated with fever. In gall stone colic there is more often jaundice, but in renal colic there is no jaundice. It starts in the loins and shoots down into the testicle and the patient is doubled up; there are nausea, vomiting, rigor, strangury, collapse, retraction of testicles.

In Vesicular or Cystic Calculus—stone in the urinary bladder—the stone may remain lodged or it may pass into the urethra, giving rise to pain. A sensation of weight in the bladder; pain in the neck of the bladder, urethra, penis, vagina or rectum; retention of urine or bloody urine or strangury are frequently felt.



Apply hot fomentations to loins and let the patient sip hot water and give him Berberis Ó¨ (m. 5 every 15 minutes) upto 10 doses; this failing, try the 6th potency of it.

Calc. Carb. 30, given every 15 minutes has been extolled.

If the patient writhes in agony and turns and turns about like a screw or squeezes his hands and moans, or groans or if he passes bloody urine or urine with brick-dust-like sediment Ocimum Canum 3x-200, every 5 minutes (or may give the pressed out fresh juice of Basil plant leaves).

Stigmata Maydis (Ó¨, m. 20) and Magnesia Phosph. 3x (trit.) in hot water have been extolled.

If pain increases immediately after micturition Sarsa. 30, every 15 minutes.

Crampy pains with twisting of the body; restlessness; Dioscorea 0, every 15 minutes.

This failing try Pareira Brava Ө, every ½ hour in 2 oz. of warm distilled water.

If brick dust like sediments, or sands are seen in urine: Thalaspi Bursa Pastoris (m. 10-15).

If all these fail, let the patient inhale Chloroform or get a hypodermic injection of Morphine Sulph. gr. ¼.


Lyco, 6-200—Brick dust like sediments in urine.

This failing try, Urtica Urens 0 (m. 5 per dose) or Crocus Cacti Ó¨ (m. 5 per dose). If urinary sediment is whitish (indicating the presence of phosphates) Acid Phos. 2x.

Graphitis 6-30—If after standing, sour-smelling white sediments accumulate.

Chininum Sulph. 2x—Sediment is brick dust like red or straw-like yellow and granular.

Berberis Vulgaris Ɵ—Pain in urethra, sediment is whitish at first, becoming like red pulp later. It suits left side best.

Sepia 6-30—Sediment is white and sticky or slightly reddish.

Sarsaparilla 6-30—Urine becomes muddy as soon as passed.

Acid Nitro-Muriatic 2x or Oxalic Acid 3-12—Deposit of Calcium oxalates in urine.

All these medicines are to be used 4 times a day.

Try also—Bell. 3x-30, Opium 3x-30, Nux Vomica 1x-30, Silicea 6-30.


Lithium Carb. 3x (trit.)—30, to be taken 4 times a day to effect solution of concretion.

Medicines indicated in paragraphs (a) and (b) may be tried according to indications. But it is better to locate the stone by X-Ray and have it removed by surgical means or crushed by lethotrite.


Take Lyco. 200 occasionally. If there is pain in the loins and gravels are passed with pain, take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, four times daily. Those who are gouty or have uric-acid diathesis, should take Urtica Urens Ó¨ (m. 5) every 8 hours.

Avoid lime in pan or lime in drinking water drawn from certain wells; avoid meat, wines and highly seasoned dishes. Drink water freely.

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