Homeopathic Remedies for Urticaria


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Eating of crabs, lobsters or certain edibles; constipation, cold, etc. have been held responsible for this disease, which comes on suddenly and disappears suddenly, within a few hours or days. The skin becomes itchy, swells in flat patches which are elevated and have a white center and red margin.


Aconite 3x—As soon as fever, thirst and red papules appear.

Urtica Urens 3 x or Apis 3x—The papules are white in the center and red at the margins, have burning stinging pain or have irritating or titilating sensation. [If eruptions suddenly disappear and diarrhoea and delirium supervene, give Urtica; If eruptions are much swollen, and have stinging sensation, give Apis.].

These two failing, give Chloral Hydrate 3x.

If due to digestive troubles: Antim Crude, Nux Vom., or Pulsatilla.

If due to exposure to cold: Dulcamara. In the chronic stage of the disease: Apis, Arsenic, Sulphur, China Ars., Natrum Mur. —all in the 6th potency.

All medicines failing, give Skukum Chuck 3x (trit.). Omit all irritating articles of diet.

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