The following are the main clinical signs and symptoms of dementia, an organic chronic mental disorder.
· Impairment of intellectual functions
Memory impairment, most pronounced in the early stages and focusing on recent memory
Personal carelessness causes personality to deteriorate
However, there is no impairment of consciousness. The course of dementia is typically progressive, though some forms of dementia can be reversible. Impairment of all these functions occurs globally, interfering with daily activities and interpersonal relationships.
There might also be additional characteristics, such as:
Emotional lability, or a noticeable range in how one expresses emotion.
Catastrophic reaction: Patients may experience a sudden range of emotions when faced with a task that is beyond their remaining intellectual capacity.
Abnormal thoughts, such as delusions and persistence
Incontinence of the bladder and bowels could develop later.
Time dizziness; later stages may also include place and person dizziness.
The presence or absence of neurological symptoms will depend on the underlying cause.
Dementia has several typical causes, such as:
Parenchymatous brain disease
· Alzheimer’s disease
· Pick’s disease
· Parkinson’s disease
· Huntington’s chorea
· Lewy body dementia
Progressive supra nuclear palsy, also known as Steel Richardson syndrome
Vascular dementia
· Multi-infract dementia
Binswanger’s disease, also known as subcortical vascular dementia
Toxic dementia
· Bromide intoxication
· Drugs
· Heavy metals
· Alcohol
· Carbon monoxide
· Analgesics
· Anticonvulsants
· Benzodiazepines
· Psychotropic drugs
Metabolic dementias
Chronic liver disease or encephalopathy due to uraemia
· Dialysis dementia
· Wilson’s disease
Endocrine causes
dysfunction of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and parathyroid glands
Deficiency dementias
· Pernicious anemia
· Pellagra
· Folic acid deficiency
· Thiamine deficiency
Dementias due to infections
· Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
· Neurosyphilis
· Chronic meningitis
· AIDS dementia
· Other HIV –related disorders
· Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
Neoplastic dementias
Neoplasms and other lesions that take up intracranial space
Traumatic dementia
· Chronic subdural hematoma
· Head injury
Hydrocephalic dementia
· Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Basic tests include a complete blood count, urinalysis, blood sugar, serum electrolytes, renal function tests, thyroid function tests, serum B12 and folate levels, serological tests for syphilis, arterial Po2 and pco2, an X-ray of the skull, an EEG, a lumbar puncture, a CT or MRI scan of the brain, neuropsychological tests, and drug testing.
If the underlying cause can be treated, treatment of that cause.
Changing the environment and concentrating on copying techniques to lessen stress in daily tasks.
The management of any related medical issues.
Hygiene and food preparation.
Care that is supportive of the patient, their family, and any carriers.
In the later stages, a longer hospital stay or respite placement may be required, while immediate symptoms may only require short-term hospitalization.
· Drug treatment.
When it comes to DEMENTIA, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking both mental and physical symptoms into consideration. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual.
ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE:Bad memory. Absent minded. Lack of confidence in himself or others. Senile dementia, especially in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain fatigue. Fear of examination in students. Nervous exhaustion after over-studying. Anacardium patients are frequently confused about their identity; they believe they have two wills, one good and one bad. Desire to swear and curse. Sudden loss of memory due to physical and mental lack of power.
AMBRA GRESIA:Insanely shy, timid, blushes easily, fears people, longs to be alone, memory impaired, slow comprehension, senile dementia, sits for days weeping, and music makes them tremble and weep.
ASHWAGANDHA:Students who are unable to focus on any one subject, memorize their lessons, or communicate what they have read are said to have lost their memory and/or have had their intellect partially or completely destroyed.
BACOPA MONNIERI:An especially effective treatment for dementia that also sharpens dull memory and is frequently used as a tonic for forgetfulness and inattention.
BARYTA CARBONICUM:Loss of memory, mental weakness, forgetfulness while speaking, clouding of the mind, senile dementia, increasing mental weakness in the elderly, dementia in the elderly following a stroke, absentmindedness in the elderly. The child has great difficulty focusing on studies and takes a long time to comprehend a sentence and reads it over and over again. The child is dwarfish both mentally and physically. Slow mental grasp and memory loss.
CANNABIS INDICA:Extremely absent-minded, forgetful, unable to finish a sentence, sudden loss of speech, forgets words mid-sentence and forgets what he or she was about to say, difficulty communicating, sudden loss of memory, exaltation of spirits, constant theorizing, lost in thoughts, time feeling excessively long, seconds seeming to last for ages, a few miles seeming like a great distance, hallucinations, and imaginative thoughts.
GINKGO BILOBA:Memory loss is effectively treated with ginkgo biloba mother tincture because it improves blood flow to the head, especially in elderly individuals.
LAC CANNINUM:Can’t focus while studying or doing anything else. Forgetful and absent-minded. Makes purchases and leaves them unpicked. Goes to the post office and returns with the letter in his pocket. Very forgetful in writing. Can’t remember the right words to use when writing.
HELLEBORUS NIGERFollowing a stroke, memory loss, blankness of mind, apathy, dullness, stupidity, slowness, and slowness of response.
KALI BROMATUM:Loss of memory, forgets how to speak, needs to be told the word before he can say it, senile brain softening, amnesic aphasia, memory weakness from grief and anxiety, slowness, hesitancy, omission, or mixing up words in talking and writing, fidgety, busy hands, fumbles, and erratic arm movements.
KALI PHOSPHORICUM:A brain tonic is necessary for people who have poor memory due to mental exhaustion, are mentally and physically exhausted, are averse to social situations, are anxious and fearful, and are downcast and depressed.
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUMDyslexia, poor memory, unclear thoughts, inability to read what he writes, and memory loss following influenza are all symptoms of the condition.
MEDORRHINUM:Weak memory; loses focus; forgets words; forgets names of friends and familiar people; patient may even forget their own names; forgetfulness when writing; forgetfulness when speaking; forgetfulness when using the correct words; forgetfulness when answering questions; and inability to speak.
NUX MOSCHATA:Using the wrong words, especially when experiencing a headache, being confused or spaced out as if intoxicated, having clairvoyant states, being dreamy and bewildered as in a dream, and having sudden loss of thoughts are all symptoms of being absent-minded and dreamy. Changeable moods, including crying and laughing, are also signs of this condition.
PHOSPHORIC ACID:Impaired memory, a poor memory, apathy, indifference to everything, aversion to speaking, inability to gather his thoughts or find the right words, difficulty understanding, signs of loss and shock to the mind.
SULPHUR:Lack of focus, poor memory, dull, difficult thinking, inability to find the right words when speaking or writing, reluctance to perform mental or physical labor, and extreme egotism are just a few of the traits that can be found in these people.
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