Dyslexia, also known as specific reading disability, is a learning disability that is frequently present in children and is characterized by difficulty reading as a result of issues with speech sound identification and learning how they relate to letters and words.
Children with normal vision and intelligence can develop dyslexia, which can occasionally go undiagnosed for years before being identified in adults.
Causes–It seems to be an inherited condition — it tends to run in families — and dyslexia has been linked to specific genes that regulate how the brain develops.
The ability to translate written letters and words into speech appears to be hampered by these inherited traits, which appear to affect language-related areas of the brain.
Symptoms–When your child reaches school age, your child’s teacher may be the first to notice a problem. Dyslexia symptoms can be challenging to identify before your child enters school, but some early clues may indicate a problem. The condition frequently becomes apparent as a child starts learning to read.
Before school
Young children may exhibit the following symptoms and show signs of dyslexia:
· Late talking
· Learning new words slowly
· Difficulty learning nursery rhymes
· Difficulty playing rhyming games
School age
Signs and symptoms of dyslexia, such as: may become more noticeable once your child is in school.
Reading at a much lower level than would be anticipated for your child’s age
Issues with how they interpret and comprehend what they hear
· Difficulty comprehending rapid instructions
A difficult time recalling events in order
Difficulty recognizing patterns in letters and words, as well as occasionally hearing them.
Failure to correctly pronounce a word when hearing it for the first time
· Difficulty spelling
Problems with foreign language acquisition
Teens and adults
Although early intervention is advantageous for dyslexia treatment, it is never too late to seek assistance. Common dyslexia symptoms in teens and adults include the following:
Reading challenges, including speaking out loud
Difficulty understanding jokes or expressions (idioms) with a meaning that cannot be inferred from the words themselves. For example, “piece of cake” can mean “easy.”
· Difficulty with time management
· Difficulty summarizing a story
Problems with foreign language acquisition
· Difficulty memorizing
· Difficulty doing math problems
Risk factors–Dyslexia risk factors include:
Dyslexia runs in the family
Variations in each person’s reading-related brain regions
Complications–Numerous issues, such as the following, can result from dyslexia:
·Trouble learning.A child with dyslexia is at a disadvantage in most classes and may struggle to keep up with peers because reading is a skill that is fundamental to the majority of other school subjects.
·Social problems.Dyslexia can cause behavioral issues, anxiety, aggression, and social withdrawal if it is not treated. It can also cause low self-esteem and cause parents, teachers, and friends to notice.
·Problems as adults.When a child grows up, the inability to read and comprehend can prevent them from realizing their full potential, which can have long-term effects on their educational, social, and economic prospects.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can cause problems with difficulty sustaining attention as well as hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, can make dyslexia more difficult to treat, and vice versa, are both more common in children who have dyslexia.
Some of the significant treatments for this condition are listed below in homoeopathic medicine, which is effective and safe.
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM 200Ammonium carbide is effective for those who struggle with a mathematical disability as well as those who have a tendency to make errors when speaking, writing, and calculating.
BARYTA CARBONICA 30-Baryta carbonicum is a great treatment for learning disabilities in children.
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200-One of the most effective homoeopathic treatments for learning and writing disabilities in children is lycopodium clavatum. This remedy helps children with weak memories and confused thoughts, as well as those who spell or write words and syllables incorrectly, cannot read what they write, have trouble understanding what they say, have trouble learning new languages, dislike trying new things, and have weak memories.
**MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS 30-**Mercurius sol. is prescribed for children with learning disabilities who also have severe reading disorders, speech disorders, low self-esteem, weak memories, and a loss of willpower.
When a child uses opposite words, such as hot for cold, frequently adds or omits letters when writing, loses his or her memory, forgets how to talk, and needs to be told a word before speaking it, kali bromatum, a powerful remedy for learning disabilities, is prescribed.
CANNABIS SATIVA 30Cannabis sativa is prescribed for people with learning disabilities who repeat words while writing, are very forgetful, cannot finish sentences, and have trouble recalling recent events. The child stares at the floor and appears to be lost in higher thoughts while also being unaware of them.
Children learn to talk slowly and become less awkward and hasty when speaking. **NATRUM MURIATICUM 200—**Natrum mur. is another successful treatment for learning disabilities when the child complains of a roaring, buzzing sound in the head and ears.
CAUSTICUM 200When a child has speech difficulties in addition to learning disabilities, causticum is prescribed because the child frequently mispronounces or uses the incorrect words.
STRAMONIUM 200-Stramonium is prescribed for people with learning disabilities who incorrectly refer to objects by their proper names.
SUMBUL 30Sumbul is helpful for kids who struggle with math. A person with this condition frequently makes mistakes when writing and performing basic math operations, particularly when adding numbers.
HELLEBORUS NIGER 200Another successful treatment for learning disabilities with poor memory is Helleborus. The child is slow to respond and has trouble remembering what he may have heard.
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200Thuja occ helps people with reading and writing disabilities, dullness of the mind, inability to focus, slow speech, and word-hunter behavior.
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