The coronary arteries, which run along the surface of the heart, are the blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the heart muscles. When fatty deposits develop, these arteries obstruct the blood flow, preventing the heart from receiving enough blood and oxygen, which results in a heart attack.
A buildup of fatty plaque can be brought on by a number of factors, including an excessive amount of blood cholesterol, artery wall damage, and inflammation.
People who are obese or overweight are more likely to develop fatty hearts because excess calories are stored in fat cells, which act as the body’s main energy reserve.
The myocardium in fatty hearts develops fatty tissue.
The best way to achieve this is of course through diet, but try to lose weight by at least more than 10% to avoid coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.
Additionally, you can eliminate the fatty deposits around your heart in just three weeks by increasing your exercise, going for daily walks, and getting enough sleep.
ADONIS VERNALIS 3X-Constriction, vertigo, a weak heart, palpitations, and dyspnea are all symptoms of a fatty heart. The heart’s muscles are also in an advanced stage of fatty degeneration.
ARNICA MON. 30 –It dissolves blood clots, causes a tired heart that beats irregularly, threatens apoolexy, and causes a red, swollen face.
ARSENICUM ALB 30-Pulse more rapid in the morning, palpitations with pain, dyspnea, and faintness are all symptoms of fatty heart degeneration. Palpitations with pain are worse when lying on one’s back and going up stairs.
ARSENICUM IODIDE 30-Heart weak; agitated; rapid heartbeat
AURUM MET. 30– High blood pressure, a floppy heart without a dial, a sensation as if the heart stopped beating for two or three seconds, followed by a tumultuous rebound at the epigastrium, and a loose feeling in the chest when walking.
Violent palpitations, a fast, feeble, irregular heartbeat, and heart hypertrophy are all symptoms of heart oppression.
AURUM MUR 30-Heart-area pain that is severe
BARYTA CARB 30-High blood pressure, chest pain that feels like it has been bruised and sore, palpitations in the heart area, chest pain when lying on the left side, and a full, pounding pulse.
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Q-Heart constriction like an iron band, weakness of heart, violent palpitations that are worse when lying on the left side, cold sweats, and obstructed breathing as if there was a weight on the chest.
CRATAEGUS OXY QExtreme dyspnea with the slightest effort, an irregular, weak, and intermittent pulse, and a cough are all signs of heart disease. It also has amazing solvent properties for calcareous and crustaceous deposits in the artery lumen.
FUCUS VES. Q– An enlarged thyroid gland and a fatty heart brought on by obesity
KALI IODIDE 30-a racing heartbeat and heartache that gets worse when you walk
PHOSPHORUS 30-Heart weak. Pulse rapid, small, and soft. Heart dilated, especially in the right. Feeling of warmth in heart. Fatty heart due to general weakness. Palpitation with anxiety, while lying on the left side.
NAJA TRI 30-Heart disease with no visible symptoms, a feeling of weight on the chest, an irregular heartbeat, and a potential for cardiac paralysis
PHYTOLACCA DEC. 30– A fatty heart. A sensation that the heart leaped into the throat. A shock of pain in the cardiac region that alternates with pain in the right arm.
STROPHANTHUS Q– Strengthens heart muscles, cures dropsical accumulations, and increases cardiac muscle power.
VANADIUM 30– – An effective treatment for coronary artery stenosis and fatty heart disease
VERATRUM ALB 30Anxiety-related palpitations, rapid audible respiration, an irregular, weak pulse, and cold perspiration on the forehead are all signs of a good heart stimulant.
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