Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one seems to be going away, others seem to crop up. Acne is a skin condition that happens when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne typically appears on your face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders.
With a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent, teenagers have the highest rate of acne, though younger kids are also increasingly developing the condition.
The earlier you begin treatment, the lower your risk of long-term physical and emotional harm. Depending on the severity of your acne, acne can cause emotional distress and leave skin scars.
Causes–Acne is largely caused by four things:
· Oil production
· Dead skin cells
· Clogged pores
· Bacteria
Acne develops when oil and dead skin cells clog hair follicles, which typically happens on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders because these regions of the body have the most sebaceous glands.
Sebum is an oily substance that is secreted by oil glands, which are connected to hair follicles, to lubricate the surface of your skin and the hair on it.
Sebum and dead skin cells can accumulate in the hair follicles when the body produces too much of either, forming a soft plug that fosters the growth of bacteria and leads to inflammation if the clogged pore becomes infected.
A blackhead may appear to be dirt stuck in pores, but in reality, the pore is clogged with bacteria and oil, which is why it turns brown when exposed to the air. The plugged pore may cause the follicle wall to enlarge and result in a whitehead, or it may be open to the surface and darken, causing a blackhead.
Blockages and inflammation that develop deep inside hair follicles produce cyst-like lumps beneath the surface of your skin. Other pores in your skin, which are the openings of the sweat glands, are usually not involved in acne. Pimples are raised red spots with a white center that develop when blocked hair follicles become inflamed or infected.
Factors that may worsen acne
Acne can be brought on by these things or made worse by them:
Hormones.Androgens are hormones that increase during puberty in both boys and girls, causing the sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more sebum. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives can also affect sebum production. Low levels of androgens circulate in women’s blood and can exacerbate acne.
Certain medications.Acne can get worse when you take medications that contain lithium, corticosteroids, or both.
Diet.A recent study of 14 men with acne showed that eating chocolate was related to an increase in acne; further research is needed to understand why this happens or whether acne patients need to follow particular dietary restrictions. Studies indicate that certain dietary factors, including dairy products and carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, bagels, and chips, may trigger acne. Chocolate has long been suspected of making acne worse.
Stress.Acne is aggravated by stress.
Symptoms–Depending on how severe your condition is, there are different acne signs and symptoms:
· Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
Blackheads (open plugged pores; when oil is exposed to air, it turns brown)
Tiny papules that are red and tender.
Pustules, or pimples, are papules with pus at their tips.
Large, painful nodules that protrude from the skin’s surface.
Cystic lesions, which cause excruciating pain and are filled with pus.
Acne can be permanently cured with homoeopathic treatments, which are safe and effective in treating the condition.
ASTERIAS RUBENS 30When a person reaches puberty, pimples appear on the side of the nose, chin, and mouth. Asterias rubens is regarded as a specific treatment for pimples.
EUGENIA JAM. 30-Eugenia jam. This remedy works well for painful, red, inflamed acne that appears on the sides of the nose, chin, and mouth.
JUGULANS REGIA QJugulans regia has been shown to be effective for treating red, itchy pimples on the face.
HEPAR SULPH. 30Hepar sulph is prescribed when the pimples are painful and pus or blood stained pus oozes out from them. Hepar sulph is an effective treatment for acne that is pustular in nature and is suitable for acne of youth.
CALCAREA SULPH. 30Yellow pus that oozes from pimples that suppurate can be treated with calendula sulph.
KALI BROMATUM 3X– Kali Bromatum is prescribed when acne appears on the face, chest, or shoulders; the acne may be simplex, pustular, or indurated; Kali Bromatum is also prescribed when the acne leaves unsightly scars; and bluish-red pimples are a sure sign of Kali Bromatum.
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30Antimonium Crudum is a great treatment for acne that is more prevalent on the cheeks. It is recommended when heat is present in addition to the acne, which may be papular or pustular, yellow scabs may cover the acne, a burning sensation is present in addition to the acne, the patient has indigestion, and the skin is dry, which is worse in the summer.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 30The patient had an earthy complexion, itchy acne on oily cheeks, prickling pain, and an odd craving for salt and salty foods. Natrum Mur is effective for these conditions.
SULPHUR 200Sulphur is recommended for people with dirty, unhealthy-looking skin covered in acne that itch a lot. Sulphur is very useful for acne that is extremely itchy. Scratching worsens the itching, which gets worse at night. Warmth also worsens the itching, and a burning sensation may also be experienced.
SILICEA 200-Excessive sweating may be noticed along with acne on the face, especially the forehead. Silicea is indicated for acne on the forehead. It is best better for pustular acne.
BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM Q-It is best for acne that causes the formation of scars because Berberis Aquifolium is thought to be a specific for pimples. This remedy removes acne scars.
BOVISTA 30-Bovista is a useful treatment for acne brought on by cosmetic use, especially in the summer.
NUX VOMICA 30The acne may be itchy and accompanied by a burning sensation, and it may result from gastric complaints like chronic constipation or indigestion. –Nux Vomica is effective for treating these types of acne.
DULCAMARA 30—Dulcamara is helpful for acne that develops during menstruation. Humid eruptions and blotches show up on the cheeks and face, and they are worse in cold and wet weather.
PULSTILLA NIGRICANS 30-Pulsatilla Nigricans is very effective for acne during puberty, especially in overweight girls with delayed periods. Acne can also occur during any type of menstrual irregularity. Acne is made worse by eating fatty foods.
Psorinum, one of the best acne treatments, is effective for treating acne of all types and is equally effective for treating acne in oily skin, where excess sebum is secreted by overactive sebaceous glands, leaving the skin perpetually greasy. Psorinum is also effective for treating acne brought on by eating sweets, chocolates, meat, and fatty foods, as well as acne that is intolerably itchy and that gets worse in the winter.
SEPIA 30-Pimples that appear on the forehead close to the hair follicle can be treated with sepia in women who have acne before their period.
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