Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements, and you also may experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus (anal sphincter), which is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. Anal fissures may happen when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement.

The majority of anal fissures improve with straightforward treatments, such as increased fiber intake or sitz baths, and are extremely common in young infants but can affect people of any age.


Anal fissures are frequently brought on by:

Passing big, difficult stools

Straining and being constipated when going to the bathroom

· Chronic diarrhea

Anorectal inflammation brought on by inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease

· Childbirth

Anal fissures have less typical causes, such as:

· Anal cancer


· Tuberculosis

· Syphilis

· Herpes


An anal fissure exhibits the following symptoms:

Painful bowel movements, occasionally very painful

Constipation pain that may last for several hours after the event.

After a bowel movement, bright red blood may appear on the toilet paper or stool.

Stitches or rashes near the anus

Around the anus, there is a noticeable skin crack.

A tiny bump or skin tag close to the anal fissure

Risk factors

You may be more susceptible to an anal fissure if you have certain conditions.

·Infancy.During the first year of life, anal fissures are common in infants; however, the cause is unknown to experts.

·Aging.Anal fissures in older people are sometimes brought on by sluggish circulation, which reduces blood flow to the rectal area.

·Constipation.Tearing is more likely to occur when you strain while going to the bathroom or pass hard stools.

·Childbirth.After giving birth, women are more likely to develop anal fissures.

·Crohn’s disease.Anal canal lining may be more prone to tearing as a result of the chronic intestinal inflammation brought on by this inflammatory bowel disease.

·Anal intercourse.


Anal fissure problems can occur because of:

·Failure to heal.A chronic anal fissure is one that requires additional care if it doesn’t heal after six weeks.

·Recurrence.After having an anal fissure, you are more likely to experience another.

·A tear that extends to surrounding muscles.An unhealed fissure can cause a cycle of discomfort that may require medications or surgery to relieve the pain and to repair or remove the fissure. An anal fissure may extend into the muscle ring that keeps your anus closed (internal anal sphincter), making it more difficult for your anal fissure to heal.


The following are some of the most significant homoeopathic treatments for anal fissure that are highly effective.

One of the best treatments for anal fissure is nitric acid, which is prescribed when a patient experiences stitching, tearing, cutting, or stinging pains in the anus.

RATANHIA 30-Ratanhia is a very effective medication for the treatment of Anal Fissures. It is prescribed when long-lasting pains in the rectum with excessive burning that follows stool passage are experienced. Patients frequently describe the pain as feeling like broken glass or a knife piercing in the rectum. The stools take a lot of effort to pass out due to the constricted anus.

GRAPHITES 30-Graphites is prescribed for people who are prone to eczema, have extremely sore anuses, stools that are mucus-covered and lack any tenesmus or constriction, are usually obese and overweight, are chilly and unable to tolerate cold weather, and have anal fissures. It is also indicated for women who are approaching or have recently experienced menopause.

PAEONIA 30The best treatment for violent pains in the anus during and after passing stool is paeonia, which is also effective for anal fissures with offensive discharge from the anus due to cracks in it. The anus is ulcerated and fissured, with much rawness and smarting. Itching and burning typically accompany the fissures.

SULPHUR 200Sulphur is prescribed when the stool is dry and hard, causing tears and excruciating pain in the anus while passage, making the patient afraid to even use the restroom because of the excruciating pain that will accompany the passage of stool. Sulphur is also effective for itching in the anus caused by fissure.

PHOSPHORUS 30This medication is known to irritate, inflame, and cause degeneration of the mucous membranes all over the body. The patient is typically tall, thin, and narrow chested. There is increased thirst, and that too for cold water. The patient is unable to tolerate warm water and as soon as the water turns warm in the stomach, it is vomited. The stool is long, narrow, and hard, like that of a dog. The stool may also be white and hard.

AESCULUS HIPPO. 30When a hard, large stool is passed, followed by severe pains in the anus, aesculus is usually prescribed.

SILICEA 30-When the stool is passed painfully and laboriously, comes out partially, and then goes back in again, silica is effective because it contains pus that has an offensive odor.

ALUMINA 30-The mucus membrane of anus is thickened and swollen; alumina is another useful treatment for fissures with severe constipation and much straining.

PLATINA 30- PLATINA works well for anus fissures that have nightly crawling and itching.

LACHESIS 30When a person is constipated, their anus feels tight and as if nothing could pass through it, and their fissure is hammering with pain, lachesis is effective.

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