Barber’s itch is a variant of foliculitis, the term used to describe infection of the hair follicles, and is an inflammatory condition of the hair follicles in the beard area of the face.

The infection is typically mild, but the tiny pockets of one or more hair follicles may develop small, white pus-filled pimples around them. The itching can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, and in some cases, it may even be painful.

The mildest cases of folliculitis usually go away on their own in a few days, but the most serious cases can leave scars and result in permanent hair loss, necessitating medical attention.

Causes-The Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which typically causes barber’s itch, invades the hair follicles when there is damage from excessive shaving, tight clothing, excessive sweating, or any of the other factors listed below.

Symptoms-Small pustules first appear on the upper lip, chin, and jaw, then become more common as shaving continues. Barber’s itch is typically identified by itchy, small, white pus-filled pimples in the beard area of the face. It usually happens when men begin shaving, which causes scarring and makes the skin susceptible to bacterial invasion and infection.


Some of the most significant homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of Barber’s itch are listed below.

SULPHUR IODIDE 3XWhen common eruptions are on the face and the hair feels as though it is standing up straight, sulfur iodide is recommended as a fantastic treatment for barber’s itch.

CALCAREA SULPH 30One of the best homeopathic treatments for Barber’s itch is Calcarea Sulph, which is indicated in cases of pustular eruptions in the beard that discharge yellowish pus.

CICUTA VIROSA 30-When shaving causes Barber’s itch, a hard lemon-colored crust made of the exudate is prescribed as a treatment.

GRAPHITES 30Barber’s itch is characterized by pimples in the beard that ooze sticky discharge and then form crusts; heat aggravates the eruptions; burning and stinging are felt during the eruptions; and beard hair may fall out. Graphites is an effective homeopathic treatment for this condition.

LITHIUM CARBONICUM 200– Barber’s itch is treated with lithium carb when scabby, tettery eruptions on the cheeks are accompanied by red, raw skin.

PHYTOLACCA DEC. 30-Phytolacca dec. is a recommended treatment for Barber’s itch with pale or dark red inflamed spots in the beard. The spots are accompanied by itching, and washing only makes the inflammation worse. The skin around the beard feels dry.

PETROLEUM 200-When the skin is dry, sensitive, rough, and cracked with easily bleedable cracks, petroleum is prescribed as a treatment for Barber’s itch.

TELLURIUM 200Tellurium is prescribed for Barber’s itch when ring-like eruptions with an unpleasant odor emanate from the affected area, along with stinging pain.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30Rhus Tox is among the best homeopathic treatments for cases of Barber’s itch where the beard area is covered in moist eruptions with thick scabs, suppuration in eruptions may be noted, and it is accompanied by itching. Washing with hot water may provide relief, but sweating and rubbing the eruptions aggravate the itching.

Please see my book for more information.Diseases of skin with Homoeopathic managem

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