Cradle cap is a condition that causes thick, difficult-to-remove white or yellow scales on a baby’s scalp in addition to crusty or oily scaly patches.

Newborns frequently have cradle cap, which is typically not uncomfortable.

Typically referred to as “cradle cap,”infantile seborrheic dermatitisInfantile eczema, another skin condition that is sometimes mistaken for it, is distinguished by the fact that eczema typically causes intense itching.

Avoid scratching cradle cap, wash your baby’s scalp every day with a mild shampoo to help loosen and remove the scales, and follow the home care instructions to help it go away on its own in a few months.

Unknown hormones that the mother passes on to the unborn child may be a contributing factor in the development of cradle cap, as these hormones can increase the amount of oil (sebum) produced by the oil glands and hair follicles.

Malassezia, a yeast (fungus) that grows in the sebum alongside bacteria may also be a contributing factor; antifungal medications like ketoconazole are frequently effective in treating yeast infections.

Both poor hygiene and contagiousness are not factors in cradle cap.

SymptomsCradle cap is frequently characterized by patchy scaling or thick crusts on the scalp, oily or dry skin covered in flaky white or yellow scales, skin flakes, and possibly mild redness.

The nose, groin, eyelids, ears, and skin around the eyes may all have comparable scales.


Homoeopathy is an increasingly popular and widely used medical system today. Its strength lies in its obvious efficacy because it treats the sick person holistically by fostering inner balance on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical level.

Cradle cap can be treated with effective homoeopathic medications.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30Thick, hard, honey-colored scabs are a definite sign of cradle cap and are treated with antimonium crudum.

VINCA MINOR 30– If Anti-Crude doesn’t work, try this. Oozing moisture under the crust

ARSENICUM ALB 30-Itchy from the eruption’s acrid discharge; better with warmth; worse at night and in cold air.

CALCAREA CARB 30– Children who frequently experience scrofula. The child has cold, damp feet, thick scabs covering the eruption, and yellow pus underneath.

DULCAMARA 30-Herpetic crusts that are thick, brown, have reddish borders, and bleed when scratched on the face, forehead, temples, and chin.

GRAHITES 30-Unhealthy skin, very little injury, and the eruption’s predominant appearance on the chin and behind the ears cause suppuration.

LYCOPODIUM 30– The eruption suppurates, leaving behind thick crusts with deep skin-understanding cracks.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30– Swollen glands on the neck and throat; watery vesicles with red edges; violent nighttime itching; and the eruption.

SEPIA 30– The child frequently jerks its head back and forth, the eruption is very moist, and it almost always exudes pus-like matter.

SULPHUR 200– Early morning diarrhea; soreness and excoriation in the folds of the skin; eruption that more or less covers the entire body; bleeding after scratching; and scrofulous habit

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