The term “dementia” refers to a collection of symptoms that negatively impact memory, thinking, and social skills to the point where they impair daily functioning rather than a particular disease.

Even though memory loss is a common symptom of dementia, it is not a guarantee that you have the disease because memory loss has many different underlying causes.

The most prevalent cause of a progressive dementia in older adults is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are other causes of dementia, some of which have reversible symptoms.

Causes-Depending on the area of the brain that is damaged by dementia, different people will experience the disease in different ways. Dementia is caused by damage to brain nerve cells and can affect anyone.

Some dementias, like those brought on by a drug reaction or vitamin deficiencies, may get better with treatment. Dementias are frequently categorized by what they have in common, like the part of the brain that is affected or whether they get worse over time (progressive dementias).

Progressive dementias

There are several dementias that don’t have a cure and progress:

Alzheimer’s disease.The most typical cause of dementia in people over 65 is Alzheimer’s disease.

Plaques, which are fibrous tangles made of the protein tau, and tangles, which are fibrous tangles made of the protein beta-amyloid, are frequently found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, despite the fact that the cause of the disease is unknown.

A person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s may increase due to specific genetic factors.

Vascular dementia.Blood vessel problems, which can be brought on by stroke or other blood vessel conditions, lead to the second most common type of dementia, which is vascular dementia.

Lewy body dementia.One of the more common types of progressive dementia, Lewy body dementia has abnormal protein clumps in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Lewy body dementia.

Frontotemporal dementia.The frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, which are typically linked to personality, behavior, and language, are affected by a group of diseases that are characterized by the breakdown (degeneration) of nerve cells.

The cause is unknown, just like with other forms of dementia.

Mixed dementia.Studies are ongoing to determine how having mixed dementia affects symptoms and treatments, but autopsy studies of the brains of people 80 and older with dementia show that many had a combination of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia.

Dementia-related conditions of other types

Huntington’s disease.The disease’s signs and symptoms, which include a sharp decline in thinking (cognitive) abilities, typically start to show up around the age of 30 or 40 and are brought on by a genetic mutation that causes certain nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord to waste away.

Traumatic brain injury.Repeated head trauma, like that endured by boxers, football players, or soldiers, is what causes this condition.

Dementia signs and symptoms, such as depression, impulsivity, memory loss, slurred speech, uncoordinated movement, and rigidity (parkinsonism), as well as slow movement, tremors, and rigidity (parkinsonism), as well as parkinsonism, can result from this condition depending on the part of the brain that is injured.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare form of brain disease that can be inherited or brought on by exposure to diseased brain or nervous system tissue. It typically affects people without known risk factors.

This fatal condition typically begins to show signs and symptoms around the age of 60.

Parkinson’s disease.Parkinson’s disease dementia (Parkinson’s disease dementia) affects a large number of people with the condition.

Conditions similar to dementia that are reversible

There are some conditions that can be treated to prevent dementia or symptoms that resemble dementia.

Infections and immune disorders.Conditions like multiple sclerosis, which are caused by the immune system attacking nerve cells, can also cause dementia. Fever and other side effects of your body’s attempt to fight off an infection can cause dementia-like symptoms.

Metabolic problems and endocrine abnormalities.People who have thyroid issues, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), too little or too much sodium or calcium, or impaired vitamin B-12 absorption may experience personality changes or dementia-like symptoms.

Nutritional deficiencies.Dementia-like symptoms can be brought on by inadequate hydration (dehydration), chronic alcoholism, inadequate intake of thiamin (vitamin B-1), and inadequate intake of vitamins B-6 and B-12.

Reactions to medications.Symptoms resembling dementia can be brought on by a drug reaction or a drug interaction.

Subdural hematomas.Dementia-like symptoms can result from bleeding between the brain’s surface and its covering, which happens frequently in elderly people after falls.

Poisoning.Dementia symptoms can be brought on by lead exposure, other poisons like pesticides, excessive alcohol consumption, or recreational drug use.

Brain tumors.An extremely rare complication of brain tumor damage is dementia.

Anoxia.Anoxia, also known as hypoxia, is a condition in which the organ tissues are not receiving enough oxygen.

Normal-pressure hydrocephalus.Walking issues, urination issues, and memory loss can all be symptoms of this condition, which is brought on by enlarging brain ventricles.

Symptoms-Depending on the underlying cause, dementia symptoms can vary, but common ones include:

Cognitive changes

Memory loss, which is typically noted by a partner or another person.

A struggle with words or communication

· Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving

· Difficulty handling complex tasks

Organizational and planning challenges

Trouble coordinating one’s movements and using their muscles

· Confusion and disorientation

Psychological changes

· Personality changes

· Depression

· Anxiety

  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Agitation
  • Hallucinations

Risk factors– Risk factors

Dementia can be caused by a variety of factors, some of which cannot be changed, such as age, while others can be dealt with to lower your risk.

Non-modifiable risk factors

Age.Although dementia is not a typical part of aging and can occur in younger people, the risk increases as you age, especially after the age of 65.

Family history.There are tests to see if you have certain genetic mutations; having these mutations increases your risk of dementia; however, many people with a family history never show symptoms, and many people without a family history do.

Down syndrome.Most Down syndrome sufferers experience early-onset Alzheimer’s disease by the time they reach middle age.

Mild cognitive impairment.This increases a person’s risk of developing dementia and involves memory issues without a loss of daily functioning.

Risk elements are modifiable.

Below are some dementia risk factors that you may be able to manage.

Heavy alcohol use.Large alcohol consumption may increase your risk of developing dementia, but some research suggests that moderate alcohol consumption may actually be protective.

Cardiovascular risk factors.These include obesity, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and atherosclerotic plaque buildup.

Depression.Although it is still unclear, dementia development may be indicated by late-life depression.

Diabetes.In particular, if your diabetes is not well controlled, you may be more likely to develop dementia.

Smoking.Smoking may make you more susceptible to vascular (blood vessel) diseases and dementia.

Sleep apnea.Memory loss may be reversible in snorers and those who frequently experience episodes of unconsciousness during which they stop breathing.

Complications-Numerous bodily functions and systems can be impacted by dementia, which can also affect one’s ability to function.

Inadequate nutrition.The intake of nutrients is frequently reduced or stopped in people with dementia, and eventually they may become unable to chew or swallow.

Pneumonia.The risk of choking and aspirating food into the lungs increases with difficulty swallowing, which can obstruct breathing and lead to pneumonia.

Inability to perform self-care tasks.As dementia worsens, it can become difficult to bathe, dress, brush one’s teeth or hair, go to the bathroom on one’s own, or accurately take medications.

Personal safety challenges.People with dementia may experience safety concerns in a variety of everyday situations, including driving, cooking, and solo walking.

Death.Infection is frequently the cause of coma and death in late-stage dementia.


Some of the most significant homoeopathic treatments for memory loss are listed below.

An effective remedy for sudden forgetfulness, Anacadium orientale is indicated for sudden loss of memory, especially under stress, lack of confidence, unkindness, or cruelty.

AMBRA GRISEA 200People who need Ambra grisea are shy, timid, and easily embarrassed; they blush easily, dread the company of strangers, worry about what people think of them, and want to be left alone; they are forgetful and dreamy; they may also jump from one subject to another when talking; they may also ask questions without waiting for an answer; they find it difficult to understand what has just been read; they have difficulty with calculations; and they find it difficult to remember names and dates.

BARYTA CARB 30-Baryta Carb is one of the best medications for weak memory, especially in children, where a child has a very weak memory when it comes to studies, has difficulty focusing, takes a long time to comprehend a sentence and reads it over and over again, and has such a weak memory that they take a long time to learn something and even forget the learned part soon after.

CANNABIS INDICA 200–Cannabis Indica is effective for treating weak memory and forgetfulness while talking. He or she forgets the words in the middle of a conversation and does not remember what he or she is about to say. Excessive forgetfulness makes it impossible to end a sentence. To memorize the last said words or what is intended to be spoken seems a difficult task. Along with a forgetful nature, numerous thoughts may crowd the mind of such a person, who may otherwise be fun-loving.

GINKOGO BILOBA QMemory loss can be treated with ginkgo biloba mother tincture because it improves blood flow to the brain.

LAC CANINUM 200Lac caninum is prescribed when a person cannot remember the right words when writing and commits frequent errors, using wrong inapplicable words and omitting letters, and the concentration power also seems lacking. Typically, the person in need of Lac Caninum has a nervous kind of nature.

**LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200-**Lycopodium clavatum is indicated for people with dyslexia, gradual memory loss, and confusion. Words and syllables are misused or misplaced. Lycopodium is appropriate for people who once may have enjoyed intellectual activities but now feel confused due to their gradually deteriorating memory. It is also one of the treatments that is appropriate for children with dyslexia, learning challenges, and behavioral issues.

HELLEBORUS NIGER 200Helleborus niger is recommended for people with apathy, dullness, slowness, and blankness of mind as well as poor concentration. It is frequently required for poor memory after a stroke.

MEDORRHINUM 1000To remember a name even of a well-known person is quite a task for such subjects. The weakness can even be of such an extent that the person forgets his or her own name. The weakness may also be found while speaking. The person repeatedly loses the conversation thread and wants the question to be repeated before answering as the mind seems very feeble to hold. –Medorrhinum is indicated for persons who possess a weak memory, especially for names and spellings of words.

KALI PHOS 200The homeopathic remedy Kali Phos acts as the best memory enhancer by removing the after-effects of overusing the mind, giving strength to the brain and nerves and can be considered as a complete tonic for improving memory. -Kali Phos is an excellent remedy for weak memory due to mental exertion, whether it be post-exam or due to excessive office work, where the mind has gone feeble as a result of mental exhaustion.

KALI BROMATUM 30When a person completely loses the ability to speak independently and can only repeat back what is said to him, or when independent speech is completely impossible due to a completely washed-out memory, Kali Bromatum is prescribed. People who need Kali Bromatum also exhibit marked restlessness, particularly in their hands.

Walking while asleep may also be a symptom of Kali bromatum, as may children wailing and crying while asleep.

NUX MOSCHATA 200Nux moschata is recommended for people who experience sudden loss of thoughts, are absent-minded, forgetful of what they were about to do, and use the wrong words, especially during headaches.

PHOSPHORIC ACID 30People who need phosphoric acid tend to brood over the past and the future, avoid talking to others, and dread the future. They can’t gather their thoughts, respond slowly, and are forgetful, especially when it comes to words; they hunt for words when speaking. Their memory loss over time causes physical weakness.

SULPHUR 200-Those who need Sulphur become increasingly forgetful and find it difficult to concentrate. They have trouble thinking of correct words when talking or writing, often replacing correct words with incorrect ones. They may also repeat the question before answering to give their brain time to catch up. They have a reputation for being itchy, lazy, tired, untidy, or selfish. Sulphur is best for weak memory. Sulphur persons make mistakes in writing or speaking.

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