Dust allergies, despite their name, are actually caused by tiny creatures called dust mites, which feed on dead skin cells. Symptoms of a dust allergy include sneezing and runny nose, which are also common in hay fever, as well as asthmatic symptoms like wheezing and breathing difficulties.
Dust mites, tiny creatures smaller than one millimeter that are frequently found in people’s homes, are the source of dust allergies. While they may be present all year round, low humidity levels can cause dust mites to die. A person with dust allergies may experience worsening symptoms after sweeping or vacuuming because it can stir up dust particles and make them easier for the immune system to react to.
As a result of an allergic reaction brought on by nasal inflammation caused by dust mites, the following symptoms may appear:
· Cough
· Congestion
· Post nasal drip
· Sneezing
· Swelling under the eyes
· Itchy eyes
The nose rubs up and down frequently in children.
Risk factors
A dust allergy is more likely to develop as a result of the following factors.
• Having a history of allergies in your family. If several people in your family suffer from allergies, you are more likely to develop a sensitivity to dust mites.
Exposure to high concentrations of dust mites, particularly during infancy, increases your risk.
Being a child or a young adult: These ages are when people are most likely to experience the onset of a dust allergy.
The following issues can arise from dust allergies:
Sinus infections. Chronic nasal passage tissue inflammation brought on by a dust mite allergy can obstruct the sinuses, which are hollow cavities connected to the nasal passages, and may result in sinusitis.
Asthma. People who have dust mite allergies and asthma frequently struggle to control their asthma symptoms, and they may be at risk of developing severe asthma that calls for emergency medical attention.
The following instructions should be followed to manage your dust allergy:
· Remove carpeting
Keep animals away from bedrooms
Hot water bed linen washing and replacement
Utilize mattress and pillow dust-proof covers.
Rugs should ideally be washed in hot water.
There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating dust allergies, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account mental and physical symtoms. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.
Dust allergy, particularly when entering a warm room, sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip, and severe itching, biting, and burning in the eyes. **ALLIUM CEPA 30—**
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM 30Can’t breathe through nose due to dust allergy and nasal congestion. Profound watery coryza. Stoppage of nose at night.
The best homoeopathic treatment for a dust allergy with sneezing, running nose, thin watery excoriating discharge, feeling like your nose is stopped up from flu-like coryza, sneezing without relief, and burning and itching in the nose is arsenic album (ARSENICUM ALBUM 30).
ARUM TRYPHYLLUM 30—Dust allergy accompanied by rawness at the palate and roof of the mouth, soreness in the nostrils, and pain over the nose’s root.
ARUNDO 30—Dust allergy symptoms include sneezing coupled with nasal itching, as well as burning and itching of the palate, conjunctiva, and roof of the mouth.
BROMIUM 30—Acid, burning coryza with ferocious sneezing and soreness of the nose. Dust allergy with cough. Dry cough with hoarseness and burning pain behind the sternum.
DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA 30—Dry spasmodic cough that gets worse after midnight. Dust allergy with flu-like symptoms and sneezing.
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS 30The eyes are constantly tearing up due to a dust allergy and a severe, bland flu.
NUX VOMICA 30: Coryza fluent during the day, stuffed up at night; dust allergy with nasal congestion.
Sneezing, throat pain, breathing difficulty, and a spike in stress and anxiety are all symptoms of POTHOS FOETIDUS 3X.
Dust allergy with frequent, watery nasal discharge, oversensitivity to odors, and itching, tickling, and rubbing or picking at the nose. **SABADILLA 3X—-**Dust allergy with spasmodic sneezing and running nose.
SPONGIA 30—Dust allergy causing breathing problems, the sensation of breathing through a dry sponge, and intermittent stoppages of fluent coryza.
WYETHIA 30—Dust allergy with nasal passage sensation and itching in the back sinuses.
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