The thyroid, a tiny butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck, controls your metabolism by secreting the hormones tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Hyperthyroidism is a condition of the thyroid.
Your thyroid also produces a hormone called calcitonin that helps regulate the amount of calcium in your blood, along with other hormones that help control body temperature, influence heart rate, and maintain the rate at which your body uses fats and carbohydrates.
The condition known as hyperthyroidism, which can cause unintentional weight loss and an erratic or rapid heartbeat, is brought on when your thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of the hormone thyroxine.
Many illnesses, including thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, and Plummer’s disease, can result in hyperthyroidism.
·Graves’ disease.The most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder in which immune system antibodies prompt your thyroid to produce excessive amounts of T4.
·Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules (toxic adenoma, toxic multinodular goiter or Plummer’s disease).This type of hyperthyroidism develops when one or more thyroid adenomas produce excessive amounts of T4. An adenoma is a section of the gland that has walled off from the rest of the gland, forming benign (noncancerous) lumps that may cause the thyroid to enlarge.
·Thyroiditis.Some types of thyroiditis, such as those that cause pain, as well as others that are painless, can cause excess thyroid hormone stored in the gland to leak into your bloodstream after your thyroid gland becomes inflamed.
Your doctor may find it challenging to diagnose hyperthyroidism because it can exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms, including but not limited to:
Even when your appetite and food intake remain the same or increase, you may experience unintentional weight loss.
A tachycardia, or rapid heartbeat, usually measured at more than 100 beats per minute
· Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
Palpitations, or pounding of the heart
· Increased appetite
· Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
A slight trembling in your hands and fingers, known as a tremor.
· Sweating
· Changes in menstrual patterns
· Increased sensitivity to heat
Modifications to bowel habits, particularly more frequent bowel movements
A goiter, or enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can cause neck swelling
The likelihood of signs or symptoms in older adults is higher, whether they be overt or subtle (such as an elevated heart rate, heat intolerance, or a propensity to become exhausted during routine activities).
Graves’ ophthalmopathy
When the tissues and muscles behind your eyes swell, a rare condition called Graves’ ophthalmopathy, which is more common in smokers, causes your eyeballs to protrude beyond their typically protective orbits, may affect your eyes. Eye problems frequently get better on their own.
Graves’ ophthalmopathy has the following signs and symptoms:
· Dry eyes
· Red or swollen eyes
Uncomfortable or excessive tearing in one or both eyes
Reduction in eye movement, inflammation, or double or blurry vision when exposed to light.
· Protruding eyeballs
Risk factors
Hyperthyroidism risk factors include:
An ancestry with Graves disease, in particular
· Female sex
A history of specific long-term conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia, and primary adrenal insufficiency
Several complications can result from hyperthyroidism:
·Heart problems.A rapid heartbeat, atrial fibrillation, which ups your risk of stroke, and congestive heart failure, in which your heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs, are some of the most serious heart-related side effects of hyperthyroidism.
·Brittle bones.The strength of your bones depends in part on how much calcium and other minerals they contain. Too much thyroid hormone interferes with your body’s ability to incorporate calcium into your bones. Untreated hyperthyroidism can also result in weak, brittle bones (osteoporosis).
·Eye problems.Untreated, severe eye problems can result in vision loss in people with Graves’ ophthalmopathy, including bulging, red, swollen, or bulging eyes, sensitivity to light, and double or blurred vision.
·Red, swollen skin.Graves’ dermopathy, a rare skin condition that affects people with Graves’ disease and causes redness and swelling frequently on the shins and feet, can also affect the skin.
·Thyrotoxic crisis.You run the risk of experiencing a thyrotoxic crisis if you have hyperthyroidism, which is a sudden worsening of your symptoms that can result in a fever, a rapid heartbeat, and even delirium.
There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating hyperthyroidism, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account their mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly expanding system that is practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach to the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.
IODIUM 1000Iodium is one of the best treatments for hyperthyroidism with a quick metabolism, and it is best for people who are extremely thin, have dark skin and enlarged lymphatic glands, have a voracious appetite but lose weight, feel hungry and thirsty all the time, feel better after eating, feel anxious or worried if they don’t eat, and have great debility (even the slightest effort causes them to sweat, can’t talk, and become mute).
NATRUM MURIATICUM 200—Natrum muriaticum is another effective treatment for hyperthyroidism with mood changes, depression, marked disposition to weep, sad weeping mood, without cause, but consolation from others worsens her problems, inability to cry in front of others, great irritability, inability to tolerate the heat of the sun, severe headache from sunrise to sunset, great emaciation, losing flesh while eating well, especially in the neck, increased heart rate, and other symptoms.
When a person has hyperthyroidism, lachesis works best because it is more suited to thin, slender, and emaciated people than to fleshy people and those who have been physically and mentally altered by their illness.
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200The patient is thin withered and full of gas and bloating, prefers hot drinks and hot foods, and has a tendency to crave sugar. They suffer from malnutrition and weak digestion. Lycopodium clavatum is the best treatment for hyperthyroidism with emaciation.
LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS 30For hyperthyroidism, which is characterized by heart symptoms like rapid heartbeat, palpitations, an elevated heart rate, and palpitations brought on by nervous irritability, Lycopus virginicus is the best treatment.
PETROLEUM 200—Petroleum is indicated in cases of hyperthyroidism with increased appetite, stomach pain that is relieved by frequent eating, ravenous hunger, and the need to get up in the middle of the night to eat. People who are sensitive to petroleum also experience skin eruptions and deep cracks in their folds, nipples, and finger tips.
PHOSPHORUS 200—Phosphorus is best suited for tall, slender individuals with sanguine temperaments, fair skin, delicate eyelashes, fine blond or red hair, quick perceptions, and a highly sensitive nature. Due to hormonal imbalance, the patient experiences baldness of specific body parts and hair loss in bunches and clouds from the scalp. The patient also experiences a weak, empty, all-gone sensation in their head, chest, stomach, and abdomen.
PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 200Thirstlessness is another major symptom of Pulsatilla nigricans, as is menstruation that is suppressed or scanty and delayed. Complaints are aggravated by rich foods, fats, pork, pastries, desserts, and ice cream. Pulsatilla nigricans is adapted to indecisive, slow, mild, timid, emotional, and tearful persons. Weeps easily.
Due to excessive hormone production, mood changes are seen in Sepia persons, including anxiety with fear and heat flushes over the face and head. Indifferent is another leading symptom of Sepia, including indifferent to even one’s family, to one’s occupation, and to those whom she loved best. Marked menstrual irregularities are seen in Sepia, including irregular menses of nearly ectopic periods.
SULPHUR 200Morning diarrhea is another symptom of sulfur. Driving out of bed early in the morning, as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents. Sulphur is indicated for hyperthyroidism with heat and bowel disturbances.
THYROIDINUM 1000—Thyroidinum could be used as a complementary treatment.
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