Since motor neurones, or nerves, in the brain and spinal cord are affected by motor neurone disease (MND), messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles gradually stop getting through, causing wasting and weakness.
In different cases, the relative incidence of degeneration varies; in some, the change is maximal in the ventral horn cells, in others in the cranial nerve nuclei, and in still others, pyramidal fiber sclerosis is severe and adds the appropriate clinical picture. Motor neuron diseases are characterized by selective degeneration of motor neurons, both upper and lower, namely of the pyramidal fibers in cerebral cortex, of ventral horn cells, and of cranial motor nerve nuclei.
MND can have an impact on how you move, speak, eat, drink, and breathe, but not everyone experiences all of the symptoms, and it’s unlikely that they will appear simultaneously or in a particular order.
·Hereditary– The occurrence of this condition is genetically influenced.
·Age-MND risk typically rises after age 40.
·Sex-In men than in women, MND is more prevalent.
·Certain professionsProfessional football players have also been discovered to have a significantly higher risk of developing MND than the general population.
A superoxide dismutase (SOD1) enzyme is involved in about 5% of cases, which are familial and show autosomal dominant inheritance.
The probable causes for the remaining 95% of the cases are as follows:
· Chronic Aluminum toxicity
· Slow virus infection
· Auto immunity
· Trauma
· Electrical shock
Another plausible explanation is that glutamate, the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, builds up at synapses and kills neurons, most likely via a calcium-dependent mechanism.
Four major groups can be used to categorize MND.
· Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS )
· Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP )
· Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA)
· Primary lateral sclerosis ( PLS )
Out of these four, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), which also goes by the name Lou Gehrig’s disease and has a prevalence of over 65%, is the most prevalent form of MND. Lou Gehrig was a well-known football player who also had the disease.
Leg cramps, muscle wasting, and occasionally fasciculation.
dysarthria and dysphagia, disorders of speech and swallowing
muscles waste away and fasciculate
muscle weakness in the limbs, face, tongue, and palate.
Extensor plantar responses, exaggerated tendon reflexes, and spasticity are all symptoms of pyramidal tract involvement.
The occlusal sphincters and muscles on the outside usually hold.
No objective sensory deficit.
In most cases, there is no intellectual disability.
PLUMBUM METALLICUM 200-Plumbum metallicum is one of the top remedies for MND.General or partial paralysis with great weakness and anemia, muscular atrophy from sclerosis of the spinal system, excessive and rapid emaciation, clonic or tonic spasm from cerebral sclerosis or tumor, paralysis of the upper extremities that is more pronounced, ptosis, heavy tongue, difficulty articulating, tremor of the nasolabial muscles, twitching of the side of the face, paralysis of the gullet and inability to swallow
CAUSTICUM 200-Causticum is an effective remedy MND.It is used in paralysis which is remote from apoplexy, the paralysis remaining after the patient has recovered from apoplexy with an inability to select appropriate words. Laryngeal muscles refuse their services, cannot speak a lo, paralysis from exposure to cold wind or draft, paralysis after typhoid, typhus, or diphtheria; appearing, drooping of eye lids, cannot keep them open.
GUACO 30-Guaco is another effective remedy for MND.Acts on the nervous system. Bulbar paralysis. Deafness. Heavy, difficult-to-move tongue. Spinal irritation. Spinal symptoms are most noticeable. Beer drinkers are at risk for apoplexy. Larynx and trachea are constricted. Difficult deglutition. Lower extremity paralysis.
MANGANUM OXYDATUM 200-Manganum oxydatum is also effective for MND.Workers of manganum binoxide are frequently affected by bulbar paralysis, pseudo sclerosis, progressive lenticular degeneration, and similar symptoms to paralysis agitance. These symptoms include a low monotonous voice, economical speech, mask-like features, muscular twitching, cramps in the calves, stiff leg muscles, sporadically uncontrollable laughter, and peculiar slapping gait.
In weakened or anxious individuals who are predisposed to fainting fits and heart palpitations, paraplegia and rheumatic lamness are common. Paralytic affection originates in the small of the back after taking cold, with cold feeling of extremities and edema of the feet. Paralysis after apoplexy. Paralysis of lower limbs. Paralytic immobility. One sided paralysis of the face with cramp-like pain in the m.
Complete motor paralysis that is more functional than organic in nature, occular muscle paralysis, ptosis, difficulty speaking due to a paretic tongue condition, thick speech, emotional paralysis, post-diphtheritic paralysis, locomotor ataxia, paraplegia. **GELSEMIUM 200-**
Awkward gait, paralysis following apoplexy, trifacial neuralgia, and glottic spasm are all symptoms of lacheisis 200, particularly on the left side.
NUX VOMICA 200–Infraorbital neuralgia. Jaw contracted. Left angle of the mouth drops. Twitching and spasmodic distortion of face. Articulation and speech difficulty. Paralysis of arms. Automatic motion. Weak memory. Darkness before the eyes. Ringing in the ears. Loss of appetite. Loss of appetite, burning in the stomach. Flatulence and vomiting after eating and drinking. Constipation especially in drunkards.
**OPIUM 200-**Paralysis and insensibility following apoplexy, in intoxicated people, in elderly people, associated with retention of stool and urine. Spasmodic facial twitching, especially of the corners of the mouth. Hanging down of the lower jaw. Distorted face. Twitching of facial muscles. Face covered in profuse sweat. Paralysed tongue that is dry and black. Difficult articulation and swallowing. Tongue protrudes to the
STRAMONIUM 200-Speech stuttering, spasm-induced inability to swallow, and paralysis following a convulsion are all possible symptoms.
Rheumatic facial paralysis with peripheric symptoms, difficult speech, facial muscle distortion, and a cobweb-like sensation. GRAPHITES 200-**
of hand towards mouth
CURARE 200-It is an excellent treatment for paralysis of all kinds and in all areas of the body, including generalized motor system paralysis, ptosis, facial and buccal paralysis, paralysis of the swallowing muscles, and deltoid paralysis.
**ARNICA MONTANA 200-**Paralysis resulting from exudation within the brain or spine, apoplexy, concussion, weakening illness, and protracted intermittent fevers. Lower lip trembling while eating. Face paralysis and lower lip hang down.
CONIUM MACULATUM 200-Older women experience paralysis from the periphery up, speech difficulty due to tongue paralysis, distortion of the tongue and mouth, food that goes down the wrong way and stops while being swallowed, and lower limb paralysis compared to upper limb paralysis.
PHOSPHORUS 200-Post-diphtheritic paralysis, a tottery gait, sensory and motor paralysis progressing from the ends of the fingers and toes, numbness in the arms and hands, fingers that feel like thumbs, and the ability to lie on one’s right side are all symptoms of this condition.
PLUMBUM IODATUM 200-Plumbum iodatumhas been empirically used in a number of paralytic conditions, particularly spinal cord sclerosis and atrophies.
ARSENIC ALB. 200-Spinal affection with gressus gallinaceus, facial muscle twitching, paralysis, and limb contractions are all symptoms of paralysis along with great prostration.
BARYTA CARBONICUM 200-causes facial paralysis, paralysis in the elderly, paralysis after apoplexy, facial paralysis in young people where the tongue is involved, and paralysis by causing degeneration of the blood vessel coats.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 200-The symptoms of post-diphtheritic paralysis include food going down the wrong way, fluids being able to be swallowed, numbness, tingling of the tongue and lips, loss of taste, tongue striped along the edge, numbness and stiffness on one side of the tongue, tongue heavy and difficult speech, tongue that feels dry but is not dry, and paralysis of the lower limbs.
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