Myelin surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers of the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Myelin protects nerve fibers and allows them to function normally. Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes myelin to be lost, and scar tissue—referred to as sclerosis—forms in its place, leading to plaques or lesions. Damaged nerve fibers cause disabling symptoms.
The central nervous system (CNS) is afflicted by the potentially crippling disease known as multiple sclerosis (MS).
Communication issues between your brain and the rest of your body result from MS when the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that surrounds nerve fibers. Eventually, the disease can lead to the nerves themselves degenerating or becoming permanently damaged.
Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or at all, while others may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms. MS signs and symptoms vary widely and depend on the amount of nerve damage and which nerves are affected.
Different types of MS
There are four main disease courses that have been identified, though it is impossible to predict how an individual’s MS will develop.
Inflammation and demyelination of the central nervous system are the causes of the first episode of the clinically isolated syndrome.
Relapsing-remitting MS is characterized by relapses that pass, complete or incomplete recovery, and no further disease progression in between attacks.
Secondary progressive MS, which starts out as a relapsing-remitting course but later develops into one that advances more steadily, with or without relapses.
When symptoms first appear, primary progressive MS progresses slowly but steadily, with few to no relapses or remissions.
The autoimmune disease known as multiple sclerosis (MS) is thought to have no known cause.
When the protective myelin is damaged and nerve fiber is exposed, the messages that travel along that nerve may be slowed or blocked, and the nerve may also sustain damage. Myelin is like the insulation coating on electrical wires.
Depending on where the affected nerve fibers are, the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis can vary greatly from person to person and over the course of the illness.
Numbness or weakness that typically affects the legs and trunk, or one side of your body at a time, in one or more limbs
A partial or total loss of vision, typically affecting one eye at a time and frequently accompanied by eye pain
· Prolonged double vision
Stiffness or pain in specific body parts
Feelings of electric shock when bending the neck forward or in certain other ways (Lhermitte sign)
Tremor, incoordination, or a wobbly gait
· Slurred speech
· Fatigue
· Dizziness
Constipation and urinary incontinence
It is unclear why some people develop MS while others do not, but it appears to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Risk factors
These elements could make you more likely to get multiple sclerosis:
·Age.MS can affect anyone at any age, but it most frequently strikes those in the age range of 15 to 60.
·Sex.MS affects more women than men, roughly doubling their risk.
·Family history.You have a higher risk of getting MS if one of your parents or siblings has the condition.
·Certain infections.Multiple viruses, including the infectious mononucleosis virus Epstein-Barr, have been linked to MS.
·Race.People of Asian, African, or Native American descent have the lowest risk of developing MS, while white people, particularly those of Northern European ancestry, have the highest risk.
·Climate.Canada, the northern United States, New Zealand, southeastern Australia, and Europe are among the nations with temperate climates where MS is much more prevalent.
·Certain autoimmune diseases.Having thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, or inflammatory bowel disease increases your risk of developing MS slightly.
·Smoking.Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to experience a subsequent event that confirms relapsing-remitting MS after experiencing an initial event of symptoms that may indicate MS.
Multiple sclerosis patients may also experience:
· Muscle stiffness or spasms
Legs-primarily affected paralysis
Issues with the bowels, the bladder, or the ability to conceive
Modifications in the mind, like forgetfulness or mood swings
· Depression
· Epilepsy
There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating multiple sclerosis, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account their mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels
ALUMINA 200Inability to walk except when eyes are open or during the day. Totters if eyes are closed. Legs feel numb. Constipation. Alumina is one of the best treatments for multiple sclerosis with these symptoms.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200—Argentum nitricum is effective for multiple sclerosis, where the patient experiences severe lower limb weakness along with softening of the spinal cord, weakness, rigidity, or twisting in the calf muscles, unsteadiness in walking and standing, and trembling and numbness of the limbs.
Causticum is a treatment option for multiple sclerosis, where it is linked to urinary incontinence, weakness, and a progressive loss of muscle mass that results in the paralysis of specific organs or body parts. It also causes urinary incontinence, involuntary urine passage during coughing, walking, blowing one’s nose, or sneezing, urine that drips or passes slowly, and unsteady walking and easy falling.
CONIUM MACULATUM 200The best treatment for multiple sclerosis is conium maculatum, which is best used in cases of sudden loss of strength while walking, trembling of all limbs, numbness in the fingers and toes, and muscular weakness, especially in the lower limbs. Patients with these symptoms can walk straight and steadily with their eyes closed, but when they do so with their eyes open, they stagger, feel queasy, and nauseous.
Gesemium is one of the best treatments for multiple sclerosis, which causes double vision and poor muscle control. Optic neuritis, blurring and discomfort in the eyes despite properly fitted glasses, orbital neuralgia, muscle contractions and twitching, dim vision, dilated pupils, and loss of light sensitivity. Muscular weakness. Loss of the ability to control the muscles. Loss of balance while walking. Dizziness, dullness.
LATHYRUS SATIVUS 3C—Lathyrus sativus is prescribed for multiple sclerosis patients who have spastic paralysis of the lower limbs, increased reflexes, tremulous tottering gait, excessive rigidity in the legs, spastic gait, cramps in the legs that are worse in the cold, inability to extend or cross the legs while seated, and emaciated gluteal and lower limb muscles.
OXALIC ACID 30In cases of multiple sclerosis that affect the extremities, such as those with weak, trembling hands and feet, numbness that extends from the shoulders to the finger tips, pain that originates in the spine and radiates through the limbs, and drawing, sharp pains that shoot down the limbs, oxyalic acid is an effective treatment.
PICRIC ACID 30Picric acid is prescribed for people with multiple sclerosis who experience pins and needles in their limbs. These people are exhausted both physically and mentally. They have extreme weakness and feel heavy and exhausted all over, especially in their limbs. They also have burning sensations in many different places, especially along their spine.
PHYSOSTIGMA 30—Physostigma is another effective treatment for multiple sclerosis symptoms like trembling vision, pain around the eyes, inability to lift the eyelids, dim vision, and partial blindness, as well as ciliary spasms and irritability after using the eyes.
PLUMBUM METALLICUM 200Plumbum Metallicum is a great treatment for multiple sclerosis that causes paralysis of the lower limbs, paralysis of just one muscle, pain in atrophied muscles caused by colic, cramps in the calves, stabbing and tearing pain in the limbs, as well as twitching and tingling, numbness, pain, or tremor, and constipation.
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