Onychophagia, also known as nail biting, is a pathological oral habit and grooming disorder that is characterized by persistent, seemingly uncontrollable nail biting that is destructive to fingernails and surrounding tissue. It can start as a brief, relatively nondestructive behavior that is only a cosmetic concern, but it can also turn into a severe, long-term issue.
People of all ages bite their nails, which is a common and annoying habit for many children, teens, and parents. About half of all children between the ages of 10 and 18 bite their nails at some point, and this tendency is most common during puberty. Although some young adults between the ages of 18 and 22 bite their nails, the majority of adults stop doing so on their own by the age of 30, and boys bite their nails more frequently than girls.
Nail biting can coexist with other bodily-focused behaviors like skin picking or hair pulling.
The tendency to bite one’s nails might have a genetic basis.
Linked to anxiety because it satisfies a need to decompress or escape from monotony.
It may have developed from a prior habit of thumb or finger sucking.
· Visible damage to fingernails
Cause dental issues, infections, abscesses, and mouth injuries.
Skin and nail damage can make people feel self-conscious, embarrassed, and guilty, which can complicate family and social relationships.
It may be connected to mental illnesses like oppositional defiant disorder, separation anxiety, enuresis, and tic disorders. It may also be connected to deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Nail –biting risks
Among the dangers of biting one’s nails are:
Pain or infection in and around the skin’s nail area.
Damage to the tissue responsible for nail growth
alterations to the appearance of your nails
· Abnormal growth
Increasing numbers of colds and other illnesses brought on by putting soiled fingers in mouth.
Cavities caused by biting down on tough nails.
Some advice for avoiding the behavior of biting one’s nails.
Trim nails short — Biting won’t feel as satisfying if there isn’t enough nail for your teeth to grab onto.
Paint your nails with a foul-tasting nail polish—The foul taste will make you hesitate before chewing
Spend money and time at a nail salon to get manicures that look nice. This will give you an incentive to keep your nails looking good.
Wearing gloves will prevent you from biting them, and you can also try covering your nails with stickers.
Finding your triggers will help you try to find other coping mechanisms.
Keep your mouth and hands occupied by chewing gum or finding something to fidget with, such as a stress ball, worry stone, or even a pen to click. This will divert your mouth’s and hands’ biting energy.
When it comes to nail biting, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking their mental and physical health into consideration. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200One of the best treatments for nail biting caused by nervous irritation is argentum nitricum.
AMMONIUM BROMATUM 30Another treatment for nervous irritation-related nail biting is ammonium bromatum, which relieves irritable feelings in the fingernails by being bit.
CALCAREA CARB 200Calcarea carb is best suited for fair, fatty children with large, hard abdomens who are easily frightened or offended, afraid of everything they see, easily contagious, and prone to profuse sweating, especially on the head and chest while sleeping. In addition, children with this condition have slow teething and sluggish walking speeds, and they have a strong preference for eggs.
CINA 200Child is very cross, does not want to be touched or carried, desires many things, but rejects everything offered. Cina is best for nail biting seen in children due to worm problems.
MEDORRHINUM 200—Medorrhinum is recommended for people who are anxious, hurried, and restless and who bite their nails because they feel as though time is passing too slowly. They also have difficulty focusing, fear of the dark, suicidal thoughts, and feelings that life is unreal and that nothing is real.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 200Children who have natrum muriaticum learn to talk slowly, are awkward in conversation, hasty, and drop things. They also prefer salt and salty foods. Nail biting is the most common symptom of this condition in children, who are also depressed and introverted.
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