Onycholysis, which is a common condition where the nail separates from the nail bed or the skin directly beneath the nail without any pain, can be caused by a number of different conditions.
The nail will not reattach to the skin beneath it until onycholysis has resolved, which can take several months, and usually happens when the nail has fully grown out.
It is common for fingernails to grow to their full size in about 4 to 6 months, while toenails can take up to 8 months. Recovery time for onycholysis varies because it is largely dependent on nail growth.
Onycholysis can affect many nail units or just one, and if many nail units are affected, a systemic cause is more likely to be the culprit. If only one nail unit is affected, the clinical history can frequently elicit a history of trauma.
Onycholysis can be brought on by a number of different things, including trauma or repeated trauma.
The nail can come away from the skin by simply tapping it for a very long time.
Onycholysis can also result from wounds like stabbing a toe or slamming a finger in a car door.
Chemical reactions, such as those caused by household cleaners, nail polish, or nail polish remover
Foot infections with fungi are typical.
· Psoriasis
· Reaction to medication
· A severe yeast infection
· Thyroid disease
· Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
If one of the more common causes listed above cannot explain onycholysis, it may be one of the early signs of something more serious occurring inside the body. If a person’s nails are coming away from the nail bed, it may be due to an underlying medical condition.
The nail will begin to pull away from the nail bed beneath when a person has onycholysis, and depending on what is causing the condition, they may also notice that the nail has changed color.
The following are some potential hues:
· white
· gray
· yellowish
· green
· purple
Onycholysis itself rarely hurts, but the underlying issue that causes it sometimes does.
Onycholysis cannot always be stopped, but there are things one can do to try:
Avoid standing around in warm, soggy shoes for too long.
Doing manual labor or exercise while donning gloves and the proper footwear.
Using treatments and medications to keep psoriasis under good control
Maintaining a healthy weight while taking vitamin D and iron supplements as necessary.
· Managing any thyroid conditions
When it comes to Onycholysis, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends upon the individuality of the patient, taking into account mental and physical symptons. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30—Antimonium crudum is effective for Onycholysis caused by fungus infection of nails, especially toe nails, horny or split nails, slow out-of-shape nail growth, horny growth under the nails, and horny warts on the hands and soles of the affected person. Feet are also tender, and callosities can be seen on the soles.
ARNICA MONTANA 30—Arnica Montana is recommended for oncholysis brought on by trauma or injury to the nails, as well as for bruised pain under the nails and nails that are black and blue in color.
BUFO RANA 30There is blue-black swelling around the nail and pain that radiates up the arm in onycholysis with panaritium. Bufo rana is effective for treating these symptoms.
CHRYSAROBINUM 30Onycholysis, a condition where the nails become dull and develop ridges and pits, is best treated with Chrysarobinum because it is connected to psoriasis.
GRAPHITES 30When nails become brittle and crumbling, deformed, painful, sore, thick, and crippled, as well as when they are thick, rough, ingrown, and show cracks and fissures on the tips of the fingers, graphite is prescribed. Additionally, it is common for feet to be cold, wet, and to burn in the soles and heels.
FLOURIC ACID 30—Flouric acid is most effective in cases of splinter-like pain under the nail, nails that are distorted, crumble, or grow quickly, nails that have longitudinal ridges, soreness between the toes, and painful corns.
MYRISTICA SEBIFERA Q—Myristica sebifera is recommended for onycholysis, which causes painful nail growth and phalange swelling.
Blue or gray nails, nails that are rough, yellow, crippled, brittle, and have white spots, ingrowing toe nails with flesh and pus, finger tips that feel dry and painful at night, cold feet and arms, and offensive-smelling sweat from the feet, hands, and armpits are all signs of Silicea. Silicea is an excellent remedy for affections of the nails.
When brown spots appear on the hands and arms, the nails become soft, brittle, and ribbed, and the perspiration is strong and sweet-smelling, Thuja occidentalis is prescribed.
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