The term “prolapse” refers to a body part slipping or falling from its normal position, and it describes what happens when the rectum, the final segment of the large intestine, prolapses into the pelvic region.

Three different prolapses are referred to as “rectal prolapse”:

the anus is completely penetrated by the rectum

The rectal lining is only partially forced through the anus

Internal prolapse is the descent of the rectum without extension of the anus.

Rectal prolapse can occur in infants, which could be a sign of cystic fibrosis, and in older children. It is more common in women than in men, and even more common in women over 50 (postmenopausal women).

Causes-Many conditions can lead to rectal prolapse, including:

either persistent diarrhea or persistent constipation

A history of persistent bowel movement straining.

·Older age.Age-related weakening of nearby structures in the pelvis area, including the rectum and anus muscles and ligaments, contributes to the overall weakness in that region of the body.

·Weakening of the anal sphincter.This particular muscle is in charge of regulating rectal feces release.

Previous pelvic or antegrade nasal injury.

·Damage to nerves.Rectal prolapse can occur as a result of nerve damage to the rectum and anus muscles, which can be brought on by pregnancy, difficult vaginal delivery, paralysis of the anal sphincter, spinal injury, back injury/back surgery, and/or other pelvic surgeries.

·Other diseases, conditions, and infections.Rectal prolapse can result from conditions like diabetes, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hysterectomy, infections in the intestines brought on by parasites like pinworms and whipworms, as well as conditions brought on by malnutrition or problems with food digestion.

Rectal prolapse is a condition that causes the end of the rectum to protrude out of the anal canal over time due to regular amounts of standing and walking. At first, this can happen during or after bowel movements and is a temporary condition. However, over time – due to an ordinary amount of standing and walking – the end of the rectum may protrude out of the anal canal and need to be pushed back up into the anus by hand.

Fecal incontinence, which is the leakage of mucus, blood, or stool from the anus as a result of the rectum stretching the anal muscle, is another symptom of rectal prolapse. Symptoms change as the rectal prolapse itself progresses. Other symptoms of rectal prolapse include pain in the anus and rectum, rectal bleeding from the inner lining of the rectum, and rectal bleeding. These symptoms are rarely life threatening.


PODOPHYLLUM 1000Podophyllum may be prescribed in children with complaints of prolapse of the rectum if the patient has a history of chronic constipation, there is weakness in the abdomen and anus, and there may be constant anxiety as a result of the pain in the anus. The rectum may get prolapsed either before or during the passing of stools. There may be a sore pain in the anus.

When abdominal pain and diarrhea are present, as well as rectal prolapse, belladonna is often prescribed as a top treatment for the condition.

ALOE SOCOTRINA 30-Aloes is recommended in cases of prolapse, bleeding, and tenesmus in the rectum that are accompanied by diarrhea.

IGNATIA 200Ignatia is another effective treatment for prolapse of the rectum that occurs even with soft stools. Ignatia may be prescribed when the parts protrude with soft stools but remain intact with hard stools. the pain may be sharp and shooting in nature, radiating upwards and possibly getting worse after passing stools. the pain significantly lessens when the patient is in a sitting position. there may also be a tight, constricting feeling around the opening of the anus.

Sitting is the worst position because it makes the pain worse. The stools may be constipated and can only be passed with great straining and difficulty. Some part of the rectum comes down the anus each time the stools are passed. **RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-**Ruta graveolens is another top remedy for prolapse of the rectum that occurs after straining or after delivery as a complication.

SEPIA 30There is a prolapse with weight like a ball in the rectum, bloody stool is passed, there is a feeling of fullness in the rectum, constant oozing from the abdomen, and pain that radiates up the rectum and vagina. Sepia is an effective remedy for this condition.

AESCULUS HIPPO.30-Aesculus hippo. Aesculius is recommended for women who experience prolapsed rectum during or after menopause. There may be a feeling of swelling in the anus, and passing stools is painful and difficult. The pain is described as being like the rectum is filled with sticks.

**HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 30-**Hydrastis can. is an excellent remedy for prolapse of the rectum in children. The child may be constipated and cry while passing stools due to pain. There may be much swelling in the anus and rectum with congestion. The complaints may be linked to fissures in the anus. This results in much burning in the anus during the passing of stools. The pain also lasts for a long time after passing stools.

The anal region is sensitive to touch and itches in the anal region, and muriatic acid is prescribed for prolapse of the rectum while urinating.

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