As a result of the inflammation, abnormal lumps or nodules known as granulomas form in one or more organs of the body, which may alter the normal structure and perhaps the function of the affected organs. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects one or more organs, but most commonly the lungs and lymph glands.
Women are more likely than men to develop sarcoidosis, and symptoms typically appear in patients between the ages of 20 and 60. Children are rarely affected by sarcoidosis.
Some researchers suggest that infectious agents, chemicals, dust, and a possible abnormal reaction to the body’s own proteins may all play a role in the development of granulomas in people who are genetically predisposed to sarcoidosis, although the exact cause of the disease is unknown.
Depending on the organs affected, sarcoidosis can cause signs and symptoms that appear gradually over years or that appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly. Since many people with sarcoidosis have no symptoms, the disease may only be identified through a chest X-ray that is being done for another reason.
General symptoms
· Fatigue
· Swollen lymph nodes
· Weight loss
Joint discomfort, particularly in ankle joints
Lung symptoms
· Persistent cough
· Shortness of breath
· Wheezing
· Chest pain
Skin symptoms
An itchy, warm, or tender rash of red or reddish-purple bumps that usually appears on the shins or ankles.
Sores that are unsightly on the nose, cheeks, and ears
Skin-color variations on the surface of the body
Skin nodules and growths, especially those near tattoos or scars
Eye symptoms
· Blurred vision
· Eye pain
Dry eyes, stinging, or burning
· Severe redness
· Sensitivity to light
Heart symptoms
· Chest pain
· Shortness of breath
· Fatigue
· Irregular heartbeats
· Rapid or fluttering heartbeat
Edema, or swell brought on by an abundance of fluid
Risk factors
·Age and sex:it can happen at any age, but more frequently between 20 and 60.
·Race:Sarcoidosis is more common in people of African descent than in people of European descent, and it affects the lungs more frequently in African-Americans than in people of other races.
·Family history:There is a higher risk for future generations to contract sarcoidosis if a family member has the condition.
·Lungs :Without treatment, pulmonary sarcoidosis can cause pulmonary fibrosis, which makes breathing difficult and occasionally results in pulmonary hypertension, as well as permanent scarring and pulmonary fibrosis.
Eyes: Inflammation can affect any part of the eye, damage the retina, which could lead to blindness in the long run, and, less frequently, lead to cataract and glaucoma.
·KidneysCalcium metabolism may be impacted by sarcoidosis, which may result in kidney stones, decreased kidney function, or, in rare cases, kidney failure.
·Heart:Granulomas can form as a result of sarcoidosis, which can impair normal heart rhythm, blood flow, and function while posing a small risk of death.
·Nervous system :Nervous system-related issues result from granulomas that develop in the brain or spinal cord.
There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating sarcoidosis, but the choice depends on the patient’s individuality, taking into account mental and physical symtoms. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is currently used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.
ARSENIC IODATUM :Lung inflammation, chronic bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, shortness of breath, air hunger, a dry cough with labored expectoration, expectoration that is yellow-green and foul, enlarged scrofulous glands, fever, weak heart, rapid, agitated pulse.
BERYLLIUM METALLICUM:respiratory pain made worse by movement, sputum with blood streaks, tracheal and lung inflammation, bronchitis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, a tendency for skin tumors, and painful, difficult-to-breathe symptoms.
BRYONIA ALBA :Bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes, dry, hard, painful cough, scanty sputum, rusty blood streaked, stitches in the chest, soreness in the larynx, tough mucus in the trachea that can only be loosened with vigorous coughing, and joints that are swollen, hot, and stitching and tearing worse on the slightest movement.
CALCAREA IODATALymph node enlargement, hepatic fever, and green, purulent expectoration.
IODUM:Suitable for emaciated people, weight loss with a strong appetite, enlarged lymph nodes, lung inflammation, pneumonia, difficulty expanding the chest, blood-stained sputum, pleuritis effusion, croupy cough with difficult breathing, violent heartbeat, tachycardia, and painful, inflamed joints are just a few of the side effects.
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM:Inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia, difficulty breathing, flying ale nasi, the presence of mucous rales, a deep hollow cough, greenish yellow, lumpy, foul, and bloody sputum, weak digestion, a flatulent abdomen, a sweet tooth, and a preference for hot drinks and food are all symptoms. The complaints are worse in the evening, between the hours of 4 and 8 pm.
PHOSPHORUS:lung inflammation, pneumonia of the left lower lung, pneumonia with oppression, which is worse when lying on the left side, rusty, blood-colored, and purulent sputum, difficulty breathing, and cravings for cold, iced beverages and chocolate.
PULSATILLA NIGRICANS:Patients with pulsatilla have mild symptoms, are easily moved into tears, have variable moods, and crave company. They also have breathing problems, including shortness of breath that is worse when lying on their left side and a dry cough that requires them to sit up in bed to get relief. The expectoration is bland and yellow-green, and the pain is shifting rapidly.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON:Red, swollen, itchy eruptions on the skin, a dry, teasing cough, and sputum that is red in color. Hot, painful swelling of the joints that is worse after rest and better after movement.
TUBERCULINUM:Pneumonia, thick yellow or yellowish green sputum, difficulty breathing, fever with profuse sweating, and the feeling of being choked all require the same treatment.
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