School phobias are common when children start school between 5 and 7 years of age, but adolescents can also have them. School phobia sometimes begins after a child has been absent from school due to a vacation or illness. School phobia is when your child is extremely anxious and refuses to go to school. It is also known as school avoidance.

School phobia can cause anxiety or depression later in life and can be extremely stressful for both you and your child. However, school phobia can be successfully treated.


Your child may experience separation anxiety, which is a fear of being separated from you; if you are upset about being apart from your child, your child may start to fear going to school. Other factors related to home and school may also contribute to your child’s fear of attending school.

Home causes :

• A family member’s illness, mishap, or demise.

· Divorce

· New baby

· Family move

School causes

Fear of bullies among the faculty or fellow students

Aversion to changing or showering in public before gym class

Signs and Symptoms

When it’s time for school, your child might beg you to keep him at home; you might find it difficult to convince him to leave the house; he might run away from the school and come home when he’s told to; he might experience panic attacks that include shaking, dizziness, sweating, and a racing heart; he might have a panic attack when forced to go to school; and his school phobia might interfere with his normal activities.

When your child thinks about school, he might experience headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or body aches; he might also feel depressed and lonely; he might have trouble concentrating at work or during play.

Tips to overcome school phobia

Forcing a child to attend school could exacerbate their school phobia, so it’s important to treat it as a mental health issue rather than a short-term phase.

Parents can help their kids develop a plan that works best for them by putting strategies into practice at home and consulting a mental health professional.

·Have a non –threatening conversationYou should avoid passing judgment and instead share your own experiences and sympathy, and discuss ways to deal with the issue. —An honest conversation can reveal things going on in school or other stressors that are causing severe anxiety.

Find music, books, or guided meditations that your child can listen to every day before school or even during class to help them reduce anxiety.

·Establish a routineEncourage your teen to get enough sleep by deciding on a nightly bedtime, and establish a morning routine that will help them get ready for the school day. Teenagers appreciate structure and routine just like they did when they were little.

Encourage them to continue participating in social activities so they can continue to gain strength and support from these networks. Many teenagers who struggle with school phobia end up withdrawing from social situations.

·Communication with teachers and administrators—Make sure administrators and teachers are aware of the situation and are given instructions on how to be active supporters.

·Access help from mental health professionalA full assessment by a mental health professional will also reveal whether or not teens are experiencing a more serious mental condition, such as social anxiety disorder. They can determine whether your teen may benefit from treatment like: meditation; cognitive behavior therapy; individual therapy; family therapy. In addition, they can also suggest the best course of treatment.


When it comes to school phobia, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical health into account. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is practiced throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

BARYTA CARBONICA 200—Baryta carbonica is one of the most effective treatments for school phobia in cases where the fear is brought on by slow mental processing and learning disabilities. Patients fear being teased by other students. Patients also have poor memory, mental weakness, and lack the motivation to play or interact with others.

BISMUTHUM 200—Bismuthum is another effective treatment for school phobia, which is characterized by a strong fear of going to school, a child clinging to its mother’s hand, acute stomach pain, and a craving for cold beverages.

CALCAREA CARONICA 200—Calcarea carb is best suited to fat, fair, and flabby children who catch colds easily. They are forgetful, confused, misplace words, and express themselves incorrectly. They have fears of being observed. Dull, lethargic children who do not want to play. They prefer safety to high-risk behaviors. They are cautious. They prefer indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencil, etc. Craving for eggs is a defining trait of Calcarea carb. They

**CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 200—**Calcarea phos is a remedy for bad effects of mental strain, such as headaches in school children of weak intelligence. Children are peevish and fretful, difficult in performing intellectual operations. They are dull, obtuse, having poor memory. Feeble minded children unable to sustained mental work. They frequently suffer from fractures and growing pain.

**PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 200—**Pulsatilla children are dainty looking with fine skin and hair. They are mild, timid, emotional, and tearful. They tend to cry easily. Craves sympathy and attention. Their changeable nature is another leading symptom of Pulsatilla. Their digestive system is easily disturbed by rich foods, fats, pork, pastries, desserts, ice creams, etc. They are also easily dehydrated, and all complaints are better in the open

TUBERCULINUM 200Tuberculinum is recommended for children who are extremely sensitive, physically weak, mentally deficient, and have a history of tuberculosis. Children with these conditions are also more susceptible to colds and have diarrhea that lasts for weeks.

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