Seborrheic dermatitis, a common skin condition that primarily affects the scalp and can also affect oily areas of the body like the face, upper chest, and back, causes scaly patches, red skin, and stubborn dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious and is not a sign of poor personal hygiene, but it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing and has no effect on your general health.

You may be able to manage flare-ups by recognizing seborrheic dermatitis symptoms and using a combination of self-care measures and medications. Seborrheic dermatitis is typically a long-term condition that requires many repeated treatments before the symptoms go away and they may return later.

CausesSeborrheic dermatitis has an unknown exact cause, but it may be related to:

Malassezia, a yeast (fungus) found in the skin’s oil gland secretions

A psoriasis-related inflammatory reaction

The time of year, with early spring and winter experiencing more severe episodes

Symptoms–Seborrheic dermatitis symptoms include:

Scalp, hair, eyebrow, beard, or mustache skin flakes (dandruff)

On the scalp, ears, face, chest, armpits, scrotum, or other areas of the body, patches of greasy skin covered in flaky white or yellow scales or crust.

· Red skin

Blepharitis, which causes the eyelids to become red or crusty

· Possibly itching or stinging

Seborrheic dermatitis is more likely to occur if you have a number of risk factors, such as:

Psychiatric and neurological conditions like depression and Parkinson’s disease

A weakened immune system, which is present in conditions like alcoholic pancreatitis, some cancers, and organ transplant recipients as well as people with HIV/AIDS.

· Congestive heart failure

Endocrinopathies, like diabetes, that cause obesity

· Some medications

Ruining your face’s skin in any other way, such as by scratching it


**ARSENIC ALBUM 30-**The scalp is covered in white scales that itch intolerably, circular patches are seen on bare spots, and there is also a lot of anxiety and restlessness present. Arsenic album is an effective remedy for seborrheic dermatitis in weak people. It is also suitable for patients with fair skin.

KALI SULHURICUM 30-One of the best treatments for seborrheic dermatitis with yellow scales is kali sulphuricum. The condition is characterized by prominent yellow flakes on the scalp, scales that are sticky and moist, and itching that is made worse by heat.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200The other prescribing points are dry hair, which may be split at ends and hair falling in such cases. -Thuja occ. is another effective medication for seborrheic dermatitis with white flakes on the scalp.

CALCAREA SULPH 30When eruptions with yellow pus and hair loss occur with seborrheic dermatitis, calendula sulph. is prescribed.

GRAPHITES 30A fetid odor may also be noticed on the scalp, which may also remain moist and humid. Matting together of the hair or falling of the hair are also seen. In addition to the scalp, the scales may also be present on the eyelid margins and behind the ears. -Graphites is an effective homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis where the scales on the scalp are accompanied by intense itching.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30-For seborrheic dermatitis, natrum muriaticum is prescribed if the patient exhibits the following symptoms: an oily, red, and flaky face; a burning sensation on the scalp; a greasy, flaky scalp; white scurfs covering the scalp; and/or acne on the face.

PHOSPHORUS 30–Phosphorus is prescribed when excessive hairfall occurs along with flakiness on the scalp, bunches of hair falling out in different directions, hair falling out in single strands, severe burning on the scalp, and occasionally clammy sweat on the scalp.

SANICULA AQUA 200Scales cover the scalp, as well as the eyebrows, eyelashes, etc., and there is profuse sweating on the head. Sanicula is another effective treatment for seborrheic dermatitis.

PSORINUM 200-Psorinum is appropriate for treating itchy, intolerable humid seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.

SULPHUR 200Intractable scalp itching and scratching that results in intense burning are treated with sulphur when other well-chosen treatments are ineffective.


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