Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an uncomfortable condition that develops when the tendons in your elbow are overworked, typically as a result of repetitive wrist and arm motions.

Tennis elbow, despite its name, is not just a condition that affects athletes; it can also affect people whose jobs require certain motions, such as butchers, plumbers, painters, and carpenters.

Tennis elbow primarily hurts where your forearm muscles’ tendons connect to a bony bump on the outside of your elbow, but it can also cause pain in your forearm and wrist.

The repeated contraction of the forearm muscles that you use to straighten and raise your hand and wrist can lead to tennis elbow, an overuse and muscle strain injury. The repeated motions and stress to the tissue may cause a series of small tears in the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bony prominence at the outside of your elbow.

Tennis elbow can be brought on by a variety of common arm motions, including those mentioned below, as the name of the condition suggests, playing tennis, particularly the backhand stroke when used repeatedly and improperly.

· Using plumbing tools

· Painting

· Driving screws

Preparing food, especially meat, by chopping it up.

· Repetitive computer mouse use

Symptoms– Tennis elbow pain may travel down the outside of your elbow and into your forearm and wrist, making it challenging to:

Clap your hands or hold something.

· Turn a doorknob

· Hold a coffee cup

Risk factors-Tennis elbow risk factors include the following:

Age.All ages are susceptible to tennis elbow, but adults between the ages of 30 and 50 are the ones who experience it most frequently.

Occupation.Plumbers, painters, carpenters, butchers, and cooks are just a few examples of people who are more likely to develop tennis elbow due to their jobs’ repetitive wrist and arm motions.

Certain sports.Tennis elbow is more likely to develop if you play racket sports, particularly if your stroke technique is subpar.


Tennis elbow can be treated with homoeopathic remedies, which have a high success rate and have no negative side effects.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30One of the best treatments for tennis elbow is rhus tox. It is recommended when there is tennis elbow and tearing pains in tendons, ligaments, and fascia. There is stiffness in the wrist and elbow joint, especially in the morning. The person experiences numbness in the arm when overworking their arm. Soreness in the condyles of the joints is also present.

ARNICA MONTANA 30Tennis elbow, which is caused by an injury or sprain to the muscles in the elbow joint and results in soreness from overuse, can be treated with arnica mon.

Tennis elbow, which causes red, hot, swollen joints with stitches and tearing with even the slightest movement, is effectively treated with bryonia alb (Bryonia alb 30).

CALCAREA CARB 200When there are excruciating, piercing, or sticking pains that feel like they have wrenched or strained body parts, calcium carb is recommended.

COCCULUS INDICUS 30Tennis elbow patients who experience severe hand and arm pain should consider taking Cocculus Indicus. Tennis elbow patients carry objects awkwardly and frequently drop them.

KALI CARBONICUM 30Another treatment for pain in the elbow joint, especially first thing in the morning, along with tearing and lacerated pain in the limbs and the wrist joint, is kai carb.

Ruta is one of the best homeopathic treatments for tennis elbow, which is accompanied by forearm stiffness and pain, a sprain-like sensation, and restricted wrist movement. Tendons are also sore, and there is a lot of restlessness.

BELLIS PERENIS 30-Bellis Perennis is recommended for pain in the outside of the forearm brought on by strain or overuse of the muscles, as well as for soreness in the joints and a tightening sensation around the wrist.

CARBO ANIMALIS 30One of the best treatments for tennis elbow caused by over-lifting or straining weak joints is carbo Animalis. Other symptoms include painful wrists, fetid night sweats, and painful wrists.

GUAIACUM 30Tennis elbow, which causes forearm pain that radiates down to the wrists and causes immovable stiffness, can be treated with guaiacum. The affected joints are swollen, painful, and intolerant of pain.

KALI NITRICUM 30Kali Nitricum is prescribed in in tennis elbow cases with pain extending to the wrist and down to the knuckles (finger joint) especially.Hands and fingers seem swollen.

CAUSTICUM 200Tennis elbow is treated with Causticum when there is muscle weakness, dull, tearing pain, a propensity to stretch or bend the joints, and numbness and loss of sensation in the hands.

CONIUM MACULATUM 200One of the most effective homeopathic treatments for tennis elbow is conium, which also relieves numbness in the fingers and muscle weakness in the elbow joints.

KALMIA LATIFOLIA 30-When pain radiates from the shoulder, causes sudden pain with movement of the arm, or affects the index finger’s ulnar nerve, kalmia lat is effective for treating tennis elbow.

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