Even though we love the cold and winter mornings, let’s not ignore the negative effects of the season.
People with weakened immune systems may find winter to be difficult. As the environment cools and body heat decreases, the body must also adjust to the new environment, which leads to a variety of diseases that affect both adults and children. Children are particularly vulnerable to the change in climate, which causes them to miss more school and make them more likely to contract many illnesses.
The majority of the illnesses affect both adults and children during these months, so it is important to know how to better manage oneself.
Here are some typical winter problems to consider:
COMMON COLD–While it’s important to keep air conditioners at an even temperature during winter, one is more likely to catch a cold even if they keep switching between warm and cool environments thanks to air conditioners. Prevent this infection by washing your hands frequently. – The direct result of the loss of body heat due to an obvious drop in temperatures leads to cold.
FLUThis disease is airborne, so there is no way to prevent it past a certain point. — Protect yourself from chilly winds, and dress warmly.
ITCHY SKIN— Keep your skin moisturized with petroleum jelly, coconut oil, or almond oil on a regular basis. — Many people with derm-sensitive skin develop itchy skin during the winter.
HEADACHE–– Protect your head from the occasional effects of chilly winds by donning a warm scarf or muffler.
SORE THROAT––Gargle with warm salty water; it really helps to soothe the throat due to its anti-inflammatory properties. They are common in the winter and are typically caused by viral infections.
ASTHMA–People with asthma should be especially cautious in the winter, be regular with your medications, and keep reliever inhalers close by. Cold air is a major trigger of asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and shortness of breath.
PAINFUL JOINTS––A person’s mental and physical health, as well as their overall health, can be improved by daily exercise. Many people with arthritis experience painful and stiff joints in the winter.
HEART ATTACKS— Heart attacks are more frequent in the winter, which may be due to the fact that cold weather raises blood pressure and places an increased burden on the heart. It is also important to stay warm because cold weather makes it harder for the heart to maintain body heat.
BRONCHIOLITISNasal congestion, coughing, low-grade fevers, and wheezing are some of the symptoms of bronchiolitis, a common viral respiratory infection that most frequently affects infants younger than 12 months.
PNEUMONIA—If your child has had a cold for several days and then suddenly develops a high fever and a worsening cough, this could be a sign of pneumonia and you should seek medical attention. – Unlike the other common winter illnesses, pneumonia is often caused by a bacterial infection. It can present in many different ways, sometimes starting as a cold that just continues to worsen.
TONSIL INFECTION–Avoid giving your child anything cold when the weather is cold as it may cause throat irritation, pain, enlarged tonsils, and the inability to swallow food or liquids. – It can be brought on by eating anything cold or even by a virus or bacteria in the air.
ACUTE EAR INFECTION–It is best to diagnose an ear infection as soon as possible because it can develop over night and can cause ear pain, blocked ears, and itchy ears. An excessive cold may cause an acute bacterial ear infection.
Eat freshly prepared food, preferably warm, choose immunity-boosting vegetables to ward off minor colds and coughs, and use homoeopathic medications to stay healthy this season.
When it comes to winter diseases, homoeopathy has many effective medicines available, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking their mental and physical health into account. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels
Winter illnesses can be managed and prevented with the help of homoeopathic medications.
ALUMINA 30Red rhagades on hands that get worse from washing and in the winter are treated with aluminum oxide.
AMMONIUM BROMATUM 30—Ammonium bromatum should be taken if you have a fever in the winter that is accompanied by cold symptoms.
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM 30Ammonium carb is recommended for colds during the winter months. It is suitable for obese people, scrofulous children, stout and sedentary women, and people who catch colds easily during the season.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30—Argentum nitricum is prescribed for severe pain that presses inward and radiates to the shoulders and chest and that returns every winter.
ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA 30Asclepias tuberose is effective for treating diarrhea in the winter. Diarrhea is worse in the winter, and symptoms include stools that feel like a stream of fire is passing through the abdomen, look like whites of eggs, are yellow or green, are clammy, are covered in froth, or burn like fire.
BISMUTHUM 30—Bismuthum is recommended when a headache returns in the winter, when there is cutting or pressure above the right orbit that extends to the occiput, or when the headache and stomach pain alternate.
BRYONIA ALBA 30—Bryonia alba is prescribed for cough in the winter. The patient experiences severe chest pain while coughing, which is made worse by motion and improved by rest. There is an increased thirst for large amounts of water. Inflammatory rheumatism in the winter.
CASTOR EQUI 30When a patient has a dream about fruit hanging from trees in the dead of winter, castor equi is prescribed.
CHAMOMILLA 30The best cough remedy for winter is chamomilla. Cough and hoarseness with rattling mucus trachea, particularly during winter. Rough, scraping cough of children in winter with tickling in supra sterna fossa, worse at night. Cough worse at 9-12 p.m. during sleep, does not wake the child. Hot coryza with obstruction of nose makes it difficult to fall asleep.
DOLICHOS PRURIENS 30—Dolichos is prescribed for itching that occurs in the winter, does not cause an eruption, starts on the feet, moves up every winter, and finally affects the hips and abdomen after 7 years. Itching is also associated with liver issues and is worse at night.
FLOURIC ACID 30—Flouric acid is recommended in cases where the patient feels an improvement in their capacity to exercise their muscles without becoming exhausted.
GELSEMIUM SEMP. 30—Gelsemium is recommended for flu symptoms during the winter. The patient may also experience weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.
HEPAR SUPHURIS 30Whitlows appearing on upper limbs every winter for several years is another symptom of Hepar sulph. Hepar sulph is indicated for loss of voice and cough in winter or when exposed to dry, cold wind.
KALI BROMATUM 30Itching is worse at night in bed and in high temperatures, and kali bromatum works best for mildly elevated, smooth, red patches like urticaria, but with hardened bases like erythema nososum.
KALI BICHROMICUM 30—Kali bichromicum is prescribed for winter complaints that include a complete nasal obstruction, which is made worse by cold weather and improved by heat, as well as a nasal voice and thick, stringy mucus.
KREOSOTUM 30—Kreosotum is prescribed for elderly patients who have a violent witer cough, spasmodic nighttime turns, and a lot of light-colored sputum as well as sternal pain or pressure.
NUX VOMICA 30Nux vomica is effective for stuffy colds, snuffles after exposure to a dry, cold environment, worse in a warm room, coryza, fluent during the day, stuffed up at night or alternates between nostrils, violent, abortive sneezing from intense crawling in nostrils, acrid discharge, but with a stuffed up feeling, and difficulty breathing.
PETROLEUM 30—Petroleum is one of the best treatments for skin issues in the winter. Deep cracks appear in folds, nipples, finger tips, etc. Scaly eruptions on hands. Dirty, hard, rough, thickened skin like parchment. Ulcers. Skin gets raw, festers or won’t heal. Worse in folds. Slightest scratch makes skin suppurate. Thick, greenish, crusts. Burning and itching. Redness. Raw
PSORINUM 200—Psorinum is another popular treatment for skin conditions that worsen in the winter. These conditions include herpetic eruptions, particularly on the scalp and bends of joints, itching eczema behind the ears, excrescences that disappear in the summer only to reappear in the winter, and skin that is dirty, scabby, greasy, and breaks out in folds.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30Rhus tox is prescribed for inflammatory rheumatism, which gets worse in the winter and causes a mild coughing fit.
RUMEX CRISPUS 30Rumex is a treatment for cough in winter. The cough is triggered by tickling behind the sternum, accompanied by a sprain-like aching pain near the sternum, and with accumulation of mucus in the fauces near the posterior nares. The cough is first caused by cold winter air and gets worse when lying down, especially at 11 o’clock at night.
SEPIA OFFICINALIS 30—Sepia is another winter remedy, where catarrh every winter with violent coughing; after being in a draft cough tormenting and dry; severe orthopnoea, had to sit straight up day and night; with terrible anxiety about a rattling in chest; with soreness as if raw on chest; and the fear of suffocation.
STANNUM METALLICUM 30There is a fullness in the lower part of the abdomen, along with swelling, malaise, and great heat in the head; better in open air; returning in the house; with ill-humor and sadness; and the person felt hungry at noon but had no appetite in the evening. —Stannum met is a remedy for constipation that appears every Monday or on days after a fete, but only in winter, while the stools were regular the rest of the week.
STAPHYSAGRIA 30Staphysagria is prescribed for croupy cough in the winter and sciatica in the summer. He had a cough that forced him out of bed and forced him to sit up all night because he was unable to breathe while lying down. He also had a cough that was triggered by tobacco smoke.
Rheumatism in winter, worse warm in bed; at night, pain in face, comes on 11 to 12 p.m. Headache, worse in winter. Ulcer of more than two years on duration on left leg, above outer malleolus, as large as a quarter dollar, with areola much swelled, very hard, dull purplish red, stinging pains, and scanty discharge. Before appearance of ulcer had m.s. (mild to moderate
Syphillinum 200—Syphillinum is recommended for chronic asthma in the summer, especially when the weather is warm and muggy; most frequently in the evening, passing off at daybreak; soreness of chest, with great agony and inability to remain in a recumbent position; in the winter, severe bronchial cough follows asthmatic attacks; a regular type of chills and fever developed; suffered from this for many years before; cold pain in legs.
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