Kamal Pharmacy Ento Desto Tablets (500 Tabs) – Safe Anti-diarrhoeal With Astringent, Anti-spasmodic And Demulcent Effects


With astringent, anti-spasmodic, and demulcent effects, Ento-Desto is a completely safe anti-diarrheal that eliminates any unfavorable side effects like flatulence, constipation, and an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Ento-Desto is entirely non-toxic and completely safe for children, people with disabilities, and the elderly.

S.No Ingredient Name Quantity in Mg of Each Tablet

1Bale Giri75 mg
2Kurachhal51 mg
3Jaiphal27 mg
4Saunf42 mg
5Podina42 mg
6Kharia89 mg
7Heeng4 mg
8Haldi24 mg
9Mochras51 mg
10Gond84 mg
11Ral36 mg
12Anar Chilka54 mg
13Majuphal12 mg
14Sonth9 mg


Diarrhea in infants, dysentery (amoebic and bacillary), acute and chronic diarrhea, diarrhea during travel, and diarrhea without a known cause.


until the symptoms are under control, adults should take 2 tablets 3 times per day.


dose in accordance with.


500 tablet bottles that are sealed.

Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Form FactorTablet
Price₹ 310

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