Homeopathy Medicine for Leucorrhoea
Leucorrhoea is the term for the flow of a white, yellow, or greenish discharge from the female vagina that may be normal or that may be an indication of infection.
It is a non-infective type of discharge that is an increase in the normal secretion of the genital tract, and a small amount of it is healthy. In normal women, this secretion tends to increase prior to ovulation and menstruation.
It is frequently observed during puberty, ovulation, and just before the start of menstruation, increases during sexual excitement, and may be accompanied by pelvic congestion brought on by overexertion, constipation, gastroenteritis, and other conditions. Debility, anemia, and malnutrition are other common causes of leucorrhoea, but cervical erosion is the most frequent culprit, affecting mostly young women.
Although this condition has a number of causes, the following are the most prevalent ones:
- Without any protection, sexual activity.
- Nutritional deficiency.
- inadequate hygienic upkeep in private spaces.
- any damage to the female reproductive system while pregnant, whether to the cervix or another area.
- urinary system infection
- Fungal or bacterial infections.
- Vaginal discomfort brought on by the insertion of contraceptives.
- Anemia.
- Diabetes.
- An irritant that the partner uses as a form of contraception.
The following signs and symptoms point to a potential leucorrhea condition:
- Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
- cramps or abdominal pain.
- Constipation.
- Headaches.
- Itching sensation.
- Calves and lower back pain.
Following is a list of the different types of this condition, arranged according to the cause:
1. PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSE :It is a natural secretion from the vagina and is frequently observed during early pregnancy, puberty in young girls, and the first week after birth in newborns due to maternal estrogen.
2. PATHOLOGICAL CAUSE :The discharge changes color and smell, turns yellow, and has an unpleasant odor; it is caused by disease conditions. It may be caused by an underlying infection and requires medical attention.
3. CERVICITIS :One of the most typical symptoms of this condition is lower back pain, which is often accompanied by cervicitis inflammation brought on by STIs or an allergy to intrauterine devices or any other form of contraception.
3. YEAST INFECTION IN THE VAGINAThe associated factor is related to a change in the vaginal pH, and poor hygiene can also cause this condition, which is also known as candidiasis and is frequently observed in diabetic women, people taking antibiotics, and people taking birth control pills.
4. TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS :It takes between three and twenty-eight days for the symptoms of trichomoniasis, which is also known as trichomonia, to appear. The condition is characterized by a yellow, foamy discharge and an itching sensation, and its causes are poor hygiene and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Keep dry and clean down there to avoid bacterial vaginal infections. Take regular baths and wear underwear with breathable cotton liners.
- Wear panty liners or pads instead of tampons because they can let germs into the vagina while also absorbing extra discharge and making you feel more comfortable.
- Douching is unsafe during pregnancy and should be avoided because it can disrupt the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina and lead to bacterial vaginosis.
- If you have that “clean feeling,” choose wipes that are pH-safe and free of chemicals and alcohol. The vagina has the ability to self-clean; using wipes could alter the pH in the genital tract and increase the risk of infection.
The local cause must be eliminated, and general health should be prioritized. Encouragement of exercise, fresh air, and general tonic therapy are all necessary.
In our day-to-day practice, we use some remedies that are indicated repeatedly despite the fact that the discharge varies in terms of consistency, color, odor, time of flow, and accompanying symptoms.
Leucorrhoea occurring with general debility, which we find mostly in tropical countries like ours, is typically caused by over lactation. It is necessary to improve the patient’s overall condition. It is important to understand that leucorrhoea is not a disease by itself but a symptom and may be associated with other uterine maladies.
**HELONIAS -**Useful for leucorrhoea with consciousness of the womb, intense vulva and pudendal itching, thin discharge, and sluggishness in the patient’s work.
PULSATILLA-Used to treat leucorrhoea caused by abortion or excessive childbearing.
SABINAUseful for leucorrhoea after childbirth or after having an abortion when there is womb congestion.
SEPIAIn place of menses, young girls may experience large, milky-colored lumps that are yellow, greenish, or milky, as well as a constant feeling that the pelvic contents are about to spill out.
KreosotumMenstruation that is too early and prolonged. Hemorrhage or violent pains during and after sex. Burning in certain areas after sex, followed by the discharge of dark blood the following day. -Useful for acrid, offensive fluid.
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