Homeopathy Medicine for Lichen Amyloidosis


The lesions mostly show up in the lower leg, especially over the shin; however, in rare cases, there can be lesions on thighs, lower limbs, forearms, and back. Lichen Amyloidosis is a chronic, intensely itchy skin rash caused by the abnormal deposit of amyloids (proteins) in the skin. It is more common in males than in females aged fifty to sixty.


Excessive scratching and constant friction between the skin (Kobner’s phenomenon) is known to cause lichen amyloidosis in patients; however, the precise etiological factor is not yet known for the development of this skin condition.


Lichen amyloidosis is frequently accompanied by pruritus (severe itching), and the lower leg’s shin is the most common site for hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented rashes.

Scaly papules (many raised spots), which are typically red or brown in color and can combine to form plaques, make up lesions.

Atopic dermatitis, Lichen planus, and fungal infections are frequently present alongside the condition.

In a few instances, excessive skin scratching can result in bleeding, and lesions can be uncomfortable.


When lichen amyloidosis is suspected, a skin biopsy and histological examination are frequently advised.


Antihistamines lessen the itching, but prolonged use of such medications is not advised. The conventional treatment typically entails corticosteroid creams, dermabrasion, and in severe cases excision of the individual lesion. Recurrence is common, though.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines aim to heal the patient from within by boosting and correcting the immunity. Treating the underlying cause is equally important. Homeopathic medicines have the power to control the inflammatory process thereby reducing itching, burning, and any further spread of the lichen spots. Lichen amyloidosis is a disease with a tendency to spread, so the goal is to control further progress of the disease and pathology.

Homeopathic Medicine:

Ignatia, Thuja, Apis Mel, and Natrum mur.

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