Homeopathy Medicine for Lochia
The normal discharge of blood and mucus from the uterus after childbirth is called lochia, also known as postpartum bleeding. It starts right away after delivery and lasts for four to six weeks postpartum, with the heaviest flow occurring for the first 10 to 14 days. Some women may experience lochia for a shorter period of time, while others may experience it for slightly longer than four to six weeks.
As the lochia passes, it may appear pink, brown, yellow, or watery. Lochia is similar to menstrual blood, but is frequently heavier and lasts longer than a typical period. It also contains elements not found in menstrual blood, such as leftovers from the placenta.
When your baby is born, the uterus sheds all this extra material through postpartum uterine contractions, which are also normal—they aid in the uterus’s return to its normal size. For nine months, your uterus has not only housed your baby but also your placenta and lots of extra uterine tissue and blood (remember, you weren’t getting a monthly period!).
By the time you deliver your child, your uterus will have grown to a size comparable to a watermelon, which is approximately 38 centimeters, from its normal size of an orange.
Since the uterus expels extra blood and tissue over time, Lochia gradually changes appearance.
- Lochia initially has a dark red appearance, and the flow might be strong.
- The lochia should become lighter and appear pinkish or brownish after four to ten days.
- The lochia should resemble spotting, as you might experience just before or after your period, after 10 to 14 days.
- The lochia will change color to white or yellow over the next few days or weeks, and will resemble watery mucus more than anything else.
After a cesarean section, doctors examine the uterine cavity to ensure that the placenta has been completely removed; some of what would typically pass later as lochia is frequently removed as well. If you had a cesarean section, you will still have lochia, though it’s possible that you may have less of it than if you had a vaginal delivery.
Suppression or scanty discharge, along with discomfort in the chest, head, and abdomen—likely due to sanguineous congestion—fever, thirst, and mental agitation; a sharp, cutting pain in the abdomen that is sensitive to touch; offensive lochia; a mother who is soft and saggy; lochia that returns when the mother starts to move around the house
Metritis puerperalis: to stop reabsorption, stop septicemia, and keep the nervous system alive.
Lochia was extremely sour and foul-smelling, and it was also very prostrated.
OFFENSIVE LOCHIA, FEELING HOT TO THE PARTS, flushed face and injected eyeballs, great tenderness of the abdomen, pain in the uterine region that comes and goes suddenly, fever with thirst and delirium, unrefreshing sleep, great sensitivity, cannot bear even a slight jar of her bed.
Lack of lochia, feeling as though the head might explode, dry lips, and (
Lochia, or milky lochia, are uterine fiber atony symptoms that occur in leucophlegmatic women who menstruate excessively.
exhaustion and a lot of watery, offensive discharge.
On the second or third day, there is a lot of lochia along with vaginal and urethral burning and smarting.
Lochia is too long-lasting, excruciatingly thin, offensive, and numbing.
The patient is overextended by BLOODY LOCHIA, which appears to passively ooze from the relaxed uterine vessels.
Colicky diarrhea that was caused by the suppression of lochia was followed by irritability and impatience, thirst, and a redder-than-normal one cheek.
a prodigious discharge accompanied by heightened nervous sensitivity and wakefulness.
Stomach cramps, violent colic, possibly brought on by rage, and diarrhea; (
LOCHIAL DISCHARGE IN DARK STRINGS; abdominal area feels alive and swells up significantly.
Cold or moisture suppressed Lochia; significantly reduced milk production.
A bloody lochial’s return is re-excited by even the slightest movement.
discharge, (>) by rest.
Prolapsus, uterine hyperesthesia, and persistent lochial discharge for weeks or months after confinement.
Lochia has an unpleasant smell and some areas have pimples.
There was a lot of delirium, jerking of the muscles, suspicion and jealousy.
Infuriating black clots mixed with water, excoriating lochia that almost stopped flowing before reviving and becoming more profuse and bloody, and then nearly vanishing once more before reviving; a low mood; a piercing headache; and hair loss.
Fears of an internal incurable disease; offensive excoriating lochia; urine that makes you smart; dragging pains from DELAYED SUBINVOLUTION.
Discharge (
Women who are wealthy and indulge in coffee and wine often have scabby and offensive lochia, an irritable rectum that frequently calls her to the bathroom, frequent urination that causes a burning sensation, soreness in the uterine region, and a preference for warmth.
lochia suppression; somnolence.
The genitals are sore and tender that she cannot bear to have the customary napkins applied; there is still a small amount of discharge, but it is now black and clotted; DISCHARGE IS INTERSET, IN GUSHES; she cannot tolerate a warm room.
The sudden disappearance of milk and the meager amount of milky discharge that is left from the lochia make her feel dizzy; she also has a fever but no thirst.
Long-lasting, thin, and repulsive lochia exhaust her; they can also be bloody or ichorous; they can cause shooting rectual pains; they make her restless at night and cause her to move around a lot.
Lochia offensive, thin, scanty or profuse, painless or coupled with protracted bearing-down pains; extremely dark discharge.
Excruciating, very foetid discharge that is accompanied by a backache that is distressing and bears down, as well as small, sharp shooting pains near the uterine neck.
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