Lords Calc Fluor 30 CH (30ml) : Varicose veins, Enlarged & stony glands, Boils, after operations




30 CH


84 (gms)


2-by-2-by-7 millimeters

Lords Calcarea Fluoricum

Common Name: Calcium Fluoride

Causes and Symptoms for Lords Calcarea Fluoricum

  • Boils and varicose veins are commonly treated with calerea fluorica.
  • For stony, hard glands as well as varicose and enlarged veins, calerea fluorica is a potent tissue remedy.
  • Calcarea fluorica has done a fantastic job in cases of induration threatening suppuration, goitre, hard knots in female breasts, malnutrition of bones, and congenital hereditary syphilis.
  • Calcarea fluorica should be used following operations where there is a reduced tendency to adhesions in cases of caries and necrosis with boring pains and heat in specific areas.
  • It also aids in the treatment of styes and scalp ulcers with sharp edges and hard excrescences.
  • It helps with anal fissures, indolent fistulous ulcers secreting thick yellow pus, fissures or cracks on the palms of hands or hard skin with crust formation.
  • Calcarea Fluorica also treats gum boils with hard swelling on the jaw, duration of stony hardness, hard, elevated edge of ulcers, and surrounding purple and swollen skin. There are also ulcerations of the mouth and throat.
  • In addition to helping with lumbago, lumbar deformities, and joint pain and heat, congenital syphilis can cause caries and necrosis of the bones in some areas.
  • Calcarea Fluorica is also beneficial for joint afflictions and helps with lumbago brought on by strain and chronic lumbago, which gets worse when you first start moving and gets better as you move more.
  • It also aids in osseous growths and enlargements of bones with or without caries, particularly those of traumatic origin, as well as crackling in the joints, ganglia at the back of the wrist, and gouty enlargements of the joints of the fingers.
  • Calcarea Fluorica is also recommended for hard, knotty breast induration in females as well as for tooth decay, neuralgia, cataract, weak ligaments, and induration of stony hardness.


– A fear of being poor

– Aversion to material or emotional need.

– Urgent need for assurance and security.

– Dependence and attachment.

Fear of impending disease (Kali-carb), anxiety about one’s physical well-being (Calcarea carbonica), and fear of passing away (Kali-carb, Lycopodium, Nitricum-acidicum).

– Has a clown persona and is good at imitating.


– Stone-hard tissues, glands, and tumors.

– Palpitations along with heat waves (Pulsatilla).

Warmblooded; occasionally irritable in the cold.

– It might be cold.

Worse: beginning of motion in the cold and rain.

Better: Constant movement, heat, and EATING.

– Remarks from the left.

– EXOSTOSIS, particularly in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

– Tendon nodules.

– Varicose veins, enlarged veins, and vascular tumors

X-ray burns; discharges that are grass green.


Exostoses (a growth of cartilaginous tissue on a bone)

– Cephalhematomas, which are blood collections in babies between the periosteum and the skull.

– Newborn child blood tumors.

– Scalp ulcers with calloused, hard edges and hard excrescences.


the cataract.

– Pain subsides when the eyes are closed and a light hand pressure is applied.

– Cysts under the skin and lid tumors.

– Cataract, conjunctivitis, and flashing before the eyes, as well as spots on the cornea.

– Subcutaneous palpebral cysts, strumous phlyctemular keratitis


– Tympanic deposit of calcium.

– A middle ear infection that is chronic and accompanied by roaring, ringing, and hearing loss.


– Dry coryza, a stuffy head cold, and ozaena.

– Excessive, disagreeable, thick, lumpy, greenish nasal congestion.

– Atrophic rhinitis, particularly if there are obvious crusts.

Hard cheek swelling, painful toothache, and jaw-bone swelling describe the face.


– Tongue cracks; after swelling, the tongue becomes indurated and hardens.

– Gum boil with a significant jaw swelling.


– Looseness, easily breakable, crumble.

– Teeth become unnaturally loose in their sockets, either painfully or not.

– A toothache that gets worse if food touches it.


– Tonsil suppuration that is persistent.

– Rough-textured tonsils.

– Cold drinks make the pain and burning worse at night, while warm drinks make it better.

– A sore throat with follicles; tonsil crypts are constantly producing mucus plugs.

– A sore throat that is relieved by warm beverages and made worse by cold beverages.

– Larynx was tickled while the uvula was relaxed.

Throat exterior

– A severe goiter.

– Serious gland enlargement.


Constantly peckish

– Hunger that is accompanied by emaciation.

– Brain fag, indigestion brought on by fatigue.

– Infants’ vomiting, infants’ vomiting of undigested food, infants’ coughing, infants’ vomiting of flatulence, infants’ vomiting of undigested food, infants’ weak and dainty appetite, infants’ nausea and distress after eating, infants who are overextended in studies, young children who are experiencing acute indigestion from exhaustion and brain fog, and infants who are experiencing acute indigestion.


– Flatulence that is worse when riding while pregnant.

Anus and Stool

– Gouty subjects experience diarrhea, and their anuses itch.

– Anus fissure and an excruciatingly painful crack close to the lower end of the bowel.

Hemorrhoids that are bleeding and itchy as if they have pinworms.

– Constipation, back pain that is typically located far down on the sacrum, and internal or blind piles that occur frequently.

– The lower bowels have a lot of wind, which is worse during pregnancy.


– Fatty-induced diarrhoea

Hemorrhoids; accompanied by low back pain.

– fistula.


– Testicular indurations; hydrocele.

genitalia of women

Large, extremely tough uterine fibroids


– Breast nodules that are hard.

breathing systems

– Hoarseness, croup, a spasmodic cough that produces small yellow mucus lumps and tickles when the person is lying down.

– Calc. Fluor eliminates fibroid deposits from the endocardium and returns it to its normal structural state.

Moving Systems

– Main treatment for enlarged or varicose veins and dilated blood vessels.

When the heart and blood vessels are attacked by tuberculous toxins, it results in valvular disease.

Back and Neck

– Prolonged movement relieves chronic lumbago, which becomes worse when you first start moving.

– Femur enlargement caused by rachitis in young children.

– Burning pain in the lower back.



– Curvature

– Spinal exostoses.


– Exostotic (heels, fingers).

– Nodoses caused by arthritis.

– Rapid growth, brittle nails.

– Lumbago, sciatica, and arthritis are all made worse by the cold and made better by constant movement.

– Spider veins.

Knee hollow fibroids that recur frequently.

– Foot edema on hot days.


– Excessive.

– Harmful.


– Exhausting sleep with vivid dreams and a sense of impending danger.


– White and skinny.

Cracks and chaps.

– fistula.

– Callous, sharp-edged suppurations.

– Adhesions that form after surgery and scar tissue.

– Fistulous, persistent ulcers that leak a thick, yellow pus.

– Ulcer has sharp, elevated edges, and the purple, swollen skin around it.

– Hardened glands, knots, and kernels in the female breast.

– Enlargements or swellings that originate in tendons, capsular ligaments, or fasciae of joints.

– Stone-like indentations.


– Worse when resting or when the weather changes; better when heated.

Side effects of Lords Calcarea Fluoricum

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Even if you are taking other forms of medication, such as those obtained through allopathy, ayurveda, etc., it is safe to take the medication.

The effectiveness of other medications is never hampered by homeopathic remedies.

Dosage and rules while taking Lords Calcarea Fluoricum

Three times per day, mix five drops in a half cup of water.

The globules can also be used as medicine; take them as directed by your doctor, usually three times per day.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Lords Calcarea Fluoricum

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medication, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies varies depending on the conditions and should be used based on symptom similarity.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency30 CH / 30CH
Price₹ 80

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