Lords Robinia Pseud 200 CH (30ml) : Hyperacidity, Nausea, Sour eructation, Vomiting, Frontal headache


Also known as

Pseudocarina Robinia



200 CH


84 (gms)


2-by-2-by-7 millimeters

Lords Robinia Pseudacacia(Dilution)

Its dried leaves are useful for treating burn wounds. Its fresh root bark and young twig fresh bark tinctures are also beneficial.

Robinia, also known as the black locust

Causes & Symptoms for Lords Robinia Pseudacacia

  • One of the best treatments for hyperacidity complaints is robinia.
  • This remedy works well in the treatment of acidity, frontal headache, and burning pains that are most severe at night.
  • All of the complaints where Robinia needs to be suspected have the sour smell of all discharges.
  • Treatment is effective for both gastrointestinal complaints and headaches made worse by motion.
  • Constipation with ineffective urging, along with a persistent feeling of weight and fullness in the stomach that is most pronounced after eating.


  • Robinia is effective for complaints of mental depression, persistent recovery-related stomach aches, and achy stomach that keeps her up at night sobbing.


  • When lying on the right side, vertigo and a dull head are made worse by the sensation that the brain is spinning.
  • a bad headache and an upset stomach brought on by fatty meat, gravies, foul-tasting food, cabbage, turnips, warm bread, pastries, ice creams, and unripe fruits.


  • Patients with Robinia commonly experience pain in the jawbones that feels disarticulated.
  • Pain in the cheeks that radiates from the teeth and is made worse at night and after eating spicy food.

Rectum, Stools, and Stomach:

  • With the aid of Robinia, sour eructation and sour vomiting are lessened.
  • With the aid of Robinia, stomach pain that is brought on by a strong appetite but that continues for two hours after eating and a persistent urge to urinate is lessened.
  • With the aid of Robinia, cramps in the extremities, extreme prostration, heat in the epigastrium, and weakness are all lessened.
  • Indications for the remedy frequently include infants passing sour stools, having a sour body odor, and vomiting sour milk.

issues with the urine:

  • This remedy is frequently effective in treating painful and insufficient urination.

Concerns raised by women

  • bleeding between periods that looks like a hemorrhage and is accompanied by a bloody discharge that is black.
  • Patients who require this medication experience leucorrhoea along with pains and itching.

Side effects of Lords Robinia Pseudacacia

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Dosage and rules while taking Lords Robinia Pseudacacia

Three times per day, mix five drops in a half cup of water.

The globules can also be used as medicine; take them as directed by your doctor, usually three times per day.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Lords Robinia Pseudacacia

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

Do not consume alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies varies depending on the conditions and should be used based on symptom similarity.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency200 CH / 200CH
Price₹ 90

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