Homeopathy Medicine for Low Back Pain Or Lumbago
Patient, usually a tired housewife who has been gaining weight and whose spine is assuming faulty postures, experience dull nagging pain in the lumbo-sacral region which aggravates after sitting on a chair in a flexed position or while stretching the back with knees straight, especially after lifting a heavy weight. The condition is LOW BACK PAIN or LUMBAGO.
This condition should be distinguished from more frequently encountered conditions such as osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine, ankylosing spondylitis, and intervertebral disc lesions, which manifest as sudden, excruciating pain that frequently radiates into one or both sciatic nerves.
Common Symptoms
It’s crucial to be aware of the fundamental symptoms that could point to lumbago.
- The main symptom is pain that originates in the lumbar region of the spine, which is typically accompanied by lower back stiffness, muscle tension, and achiness, and in the worst cases, mobility.
- It is only in a small area because the pain is localized.
- When you try to bend over or lean backward, for example, your spine may not move as freely as it should.
- The presence of pain in the lower back that radiates into the buttock, groin, or back of the thigh is another sign of lumbago.
- Sciatica is a condition that develops when the sciatic nerve is irritated and causes pain, numbness, and tingling to spread down the leg to the foot.
- A warning sign could be back or leg swelling or inflammation.
- Sneezing, coughing, or having lower back pain may also be signs of lumbago.
Causes of Lumbago
Even after extensive medical testing, the exact cause of lumbago can occasionally be difficult to determine. Lumbago can be brought on by a number of things, but the most common causes are sudden lifting of a heavy load and overusing the lower back.
Osteoarthritis and spinal arthritis (spondylosis) can contribute to lumbago, which may be brought on by prolonged bending or other repetitive motions involving the lower back.
Other potential causes include osteoporosis, spinal stenosis or nerve compression, slipped or herniated discs, osteoporosis-related back pain, scoliosis, and benign or malignant spinal tumors.
The most frequent remedies that are indicated are discussed below, but there are many modifying symptoms that need to be taken into account, making it worthwhile to consult a repertory for these conditions.
Rhus toxicodendron, according to Hahnemann, is the most effective and specific treatment for the frequently fatal effects of excessive lifting. Rhus toxicodendron affects fibrous tissue significantly, as well as joints and the muscles around them. There is stiffness of the neck with painful tension when moving.
Tellurium metallicumhas a very sensitive back, restless legs, pressing aches in the scapula, numbness in the nape and occiput, weakness in the back, tingling in the right thigh, and pain that spreads to the shoulder and between the scapula in the neck. Walking helps the patient’s back pain, which spreads to the right thigh.
Sepia officinalisis for weakness in the small of the back when moving; usually accompanied by uterine complaints; collar feels tight; coldness between the shoulders; back pain is relieved by belching and by pressing the back against something hard; stiffness of limbs; worse after sleep; weakness of joints, especially the knees.
Cimicifuga racemosarheumatic people, especially women who are plump, delicate, sensitive, nervous, and chilly, who complain of an aching pain in the back and neck, here and there; menstruation is accompanied by severe backache; more the flow, more the pain; pain across the pelvis from hip to hip; crick in the back; rheumatism affects belly of muscles, particularly large muscles; choreatic movements aggravate the condition.
Ruta graveolensbruised pain in the small of the back, better pressure and lying on back, worse in the morning before rising. Vertebrae slip out of place easily. torn or over stretched ligaments of the back. twisting, wrenching injury of spine.
Aesculus hippocastanumback pain of the hips and sacrum, worse when walking or stooping, which makes walking nearly impossible and renders the patient useless for any work. Sacro-iliac joint feels weak.
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